Dream BIG! 4 th Grade Ms. Sanders Ms. Black Mrs. Sanders
Website Resources Spelling City / rs/ IXL
Math Resources Khan Academy g/math/cc-fourth-grade-mathhttps:// g/math/cc-fourth-grade-math Learnzillion
Our Classroom Websites Ms. Sanders (Rm 7) Ms. Black (Rm 6) Mrs. Crystal Sanders (Rm 5)
Reading Comprehension Questions to ask your child: How did the character feel at the end of the story? Why did he feel this way? What lesson does this teach? Name one character trait that describes ______ and how that trait supports the story. Identify two main reasons why the characters agree or disagree. State if you agree or disagree. Identify the main idea of the story. Use details from the text in your answer. Describe the actions of a character. Write a brief summary of the text. Why did the author state _________? What was the character’s purpose for ________. Use details from the story in your answer. Identify two text features that were used in the story. Explain how the text features supported your understanding of the story.