“This is the point behind the point about literacy


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Presentation transcript:

“This is the point behind the point about literacy “This is the point behind the point about literacy. What matters, in our age, is not just that people read for information, or for amusement, or for whatever else the television screen and computer terminal can alternatively provide. It is that they read for wisdom, for depth, for a conscious acquaintance with the values and judgments of great thinkers thinking greatly. The tragedy of illiteracy – and the even greater waste of alliteracy, involving those who know how to read seriously but don’t – is that it abandons the accumulated wisdom of the ages. It places fine writing in the hands of fewer and fewer interpreters, whose translations and commentaries become progressively oversimplified – and whose audience, increasingly unable to think for itself, grows more and more susceptible to the manipulations of the elite. “Are we headed, then, backwards into the pre-print attitudes of the Middle Ages, when the literate few ruled the illiterate many? Our sense of democracy should rise in rebellion at such a notion. To avert such backsliding, the last years of this century must be given over to two things: training people how to read, and teaching them why they should want to read..."   By Rushworth M. Kidder - 1998

In-Service – Grades 2 & 3 October 10, 2014 PARCC PRESENTATION In-Service – Grades 2 & 3 October 10, 2014

PARCC TEST - ELA 3 Sections All Parts Involve Reading and Writing Administered in March (long test) and May (shorter version) 3rd Grade Passages – 200 – 800 words Short passage closer to 200 Long passage closer to 800

EBSR: Evidence-Based Selected-Response EBSR is like a conventional multiple choice question, except that all EBSR items are two-parted and developed through the use of paired questions. The first part measures reader accuracy and comprehension of text(s). The second part measures the textual reader evidence a reader has used to develop that accurate comprehension.

Grade 3 EBSR from End Of Year Assessment SAMPLE ITEM  Read all parts of the question before responding. Part A   What is one main idea of “How Animals Live”? 
a. There are many types of animals on the planet.

 b. Animals need water to live.

 c. There are many ways to sort different animals.

 d. Animals begin their life cycles in different forms. Part B Which detail from the article best supports the answer to Part A? 
a. “Animals get oxygen from air or water."

 b. "Animals can be grouped by their traits."

 c. "Worms are invertebrates."

 d. "All animals grow and change over time."

 e. "Almost all animals need water, food, oxygen, and shelter to live."

TECR: Technology Enhanced Constructed Response The TECR is similar to the EBSR in purpose: to measure reading comprehension, but here the student will go back into the text and highlight a selection or return to the text, select a phrase or sentence and drag and drop that response into a dialogue box.

Sample TECR

PCR: Prose Constructed Response

Section I: The Literary Analysis Task Part A and B: Reading Part A – Reading Long Fiction Passage EBSR Question TECR Question Vocabulary Questions Part B – Reading Short Fiction Passage

Section I: The Literary Analysis Task Part C: Writing - Theme You have just read two texts, (name them). Write an essay that for answers one of the following for THEME (grades 4-11) • identifies a theme in both stories and explains how the theme is shown through the characters (or speaker if a poem) • compares and contrasts the approaches each text uses to develop a given theme • identifies a theme from each text and analyze how each theme is developed • identifies and explains a theme that is similar in both passages

Section I: The Literary Analysis Task Part C: Writing - Characterization for CHARACTERIZATION (Grade 3) • explains how the characters’ words and actions are important to the plots of the stories. • describes how the events in both texts did not happen exactly how the narrators’ expected and how the narrators’ points of view influence how the events happen • analyzes how each author creates tension in both stories. • analyzes the different approaches the authors take to develop the characters. Be sure to include specific details from both selections.

Section I: The Literary Analysis Task Part C: Writing – Other Elements Other Elements such as Structure (Grade 3) Analysis of the contribution of illustrations Characterization in a story Author’s study including analysis of illustration

Literary Analysis … The key words in each assignment: describe compare and contrast explain analyze Bottom line: they have to find similarities and/or differences in 2 texts. Classroom practice and directions should clearly point out what these key words mean.

Example Instructions You have read two texts, (name them). Identify the main character in both stories and write an essay analyzing how the two characters are the same or different in each text. Use examples from the text to support your answer. Today you will research two people who lived long ago. As you read these passages, you will gather information and answer questions. Then you will write an article for school newspaper to teach your classmates about how these two people made a difference in America.

Section II – RST - Research Simulation Task Part A/B/C: Reading Part A – Reading Passage 1 Long Non-Fiction Passage: article, speech, argument, opinion, biography 1. EBSR Question 2. TECR Question 3. Vocabulary Questions Part B – Reading Passage 2 Short Non-Fiction Passage: article, speech, argument, opinion, biography Part C – Passage 3 Short text or video or audio clip

Section II – The Research Simulation Task Part D: Writing The Research Simulation Task You have read two texts (name them) and viewed a video entitled (name it). In an essay for SCIENTIFIC-RELATED (animals, environment, chemistry, archeology) describe the roles of animals and humans in a process or procedure compare how each source describes the roles of animals and humans in a process or procedure identify a similar claim in the sources and then compare and contrast the evidence each source uses compare the purposes of each source then analyze how each source uses information and evidence compare and contrast the information in the texts with the information in the video Examine and/or delineate a phenomenon

Section II – The Research Simulation Task Part D: Writing The Research Simulation Task for HISTORY-RELATED or ARGUMENT/OPINION compare and contrast a primary argument in each text explore author’s purpose Remember to use evidence from all three (or at least two) sources to support your ideas!!!

Section III – The Narrative Task Part A: Reading Reading Passage 1 1. TECR Question 2. EBSR Question 3. EBSR Question 4. EBSR Question 5. EBSR Question

Section III – The Narrative Task PART B: Writing For the FICTION TEXT: You have read (name the text), Write a journal entry from the character (name him or her) about what happened in the story Write a narrative story retelling the story from the point of view of (name the character) Write an original short story that describes what (name the character) does next. Write a continuation of the story using details from the story you just read. Write a narrative story that describes the major events in the passage from the point of view of ( name the character, it could even be a character that was not in the story but suggested in the story) Write a narrative story that describes what the character (name the character) does and the experiences she or he has. Think about the details the author uses to create the characters, settings, and events in the story and use these as a guide in writing your own narrative.

Section III – The Narrative Task Part B: Writing for the NON-FICTION TEXT: You have just read an article on (a scientific or historical event) with a short personal introduction. Write an original short story from the perspective of (name a person from the short personal introduction). Be sure to include details (scientific or historical) in your original short story.