Opener Take out or check out an Internet enabled device Check your AP Bio . You should have FOUR s from Ziady sharing the following with you: A test document AP HW #2 AP HW #3 Summary Write: Natural Selection Task: Make sure you can OPEN and EDIT these documents 7-10 MINUTES Want to work on your phone? Download GOOGLE DRIVE
Agenda Natural Selection Summary Write Discuss HW #3 Lab One: M&M Color Chi Squared Analysis HW #1 Returned Textbooks
Learning Targets I can explain how natural selection works as a “major mechanism” for evolution I can determine if a set of data shows statistically significant variation using a Chi- Squared analysis
Writing Check your gmail; find the gmail where I shared the “Summary Write” doc with you. Respond to prompt IN THAT DOC! You can use your notes, BUT try to keep track (in your brain) of how much you used them DO YOUR BEST: this piece of writing will help me determine what you understand You have 25 minutes If you finish early: re-read, edit, underline key terms, add images to support your answer
Prompt Explain how natural selection results in the evolution of populations over time. Include at least one example to illustrate your point Use the correct scientific vocabulary: species, population, variation, trait, heritable, environment, fitness, adaptation/adapt, reproduction, offspring Make sure your explanation includes a description of both the short term AND long term impacts of natural selection on a population
AP Bio Website
Question # 1 1. What is the Chi-Square test for?
Question #2 What do the different terms in the equation ( χ 2, Σ, O i, E i ) stand for?
Question #3 What is the null hypothesis?
Question #7 Basic idea: given the choice to move to a wet or dry environment, where will the pill bugs go? CALCULATE THE CHI-SQUARED VALUE AND EVALUATE THE NULL HYPOTHESIS. Show answer on white board
Chi Squared Table
M&M Lab Read the Introduction to the Lab, and the procedure Separate your M&Ms by color, and count the number of each type Determine the expected value for each color (percentage x total) Complete data table and calculate Chi-Squared value Determine degrees of freedom, use chart to evaluate null hypothesis Share data with class! Rinse and repeat with class data, then answer questions.
M&M class data Each table group needs to: Share number observed for each color of M&M THEN, this data will be used to complete the SECOND data table/Chi-Squared analysis If we have time, you can finish this in class later. If not, it is homework. DUE Monday, if not finished in class. You must complete: Data tables/calculations Analysis Questions
AP Bio Website