Multisensory Instruction
Free powerpoint template: 2 No Child Left Behind One goal of No Child Left Behind (2001) is for ALL children in America to be reading on grade level by the end of the __ grade.
Free powerpoint template: 3 Research indicates… Results of the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress on reading indicated that only _______% of the nation's fourth-graders performed at or above the _____________ achievement level, thus demonstrating solid academic performance.
Free powerpoint template: 4 Overall, national longitudinal studies show that more than _____ percent of the nation's children-- about ____________ children--will encounter reading problems in the crucial first __________ years of their schooling" (National Reading Panel Progress Report, 2000).
Free powerpoint template: 5 Approximately _____% of students identified with reading problems in the ____ grade are still reading disabled in the __ grade (Shaywitz, et al., 1993; Francis et al., 1996).
Free powerpoint template: 6 Defining the MS Approach Dr. Samuel Orton (1920s) Multisensory approaches to reading are based on the idea that some students learn best when material is presented in several different _____________________. Multisensory teaching is _______________ visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile to enhance memory and learning.
Free powerpoint template: 7 VAKT Links are consistently made between the __________ (what we see), _________ (what we hear), and __________________ (what we feel) pathways in learning to read and spell. When taught by a multisensory approach, children have the advantage of learning alphabetic patterns and words by utilizing all three pathways.
Free powerpoint template: 8 WHY? Teachers who use the MS approach teach children to ______ the sounds of the letters with the written symbol. Children also link the sound and symbol with how it feels to _____ the letter or letters. As students learn a new letter or pattern (such as s or th), they carefully ____, ____, and _____ the letter(s) while saying the corresponding sound.
Free powerpoint template: 9 Magnetic letters Surfaces (carpet squares or liner) Sky writing tapping