Paul Acts 7:57-60
Introduction-1 This is the first mention of the man who would later be called Paul the apostle At this time he was a young Pharisee assisting in the stoning of Stephen Other than Jesus, Paul is probably the best known character in the New Testament His work occupies the largest part of the Book of Acts
Introduction-2 He wrote 13 of the 27 books that comprise the New Testament Most people think that he also penned the Hebrew letter Paul’s life comes closer to that of Jesus that any other that we find in the New Testament He told the Corinthians to imitate him as he imitated Christ- I Cor. 11:1 There is much we can learn and many good examples in the life of this great Christian man
Saul’s Early Life He was born in Tarsus of Cilicia in Asia Minor- Acts 22:3 And was called Saul during the first part of his life He was sent to Jerusalem where he studied under the well known teacher, Gamaliel Saul became a leader of the Pharisees- Gal. 1:14 He was a zealous persecutor of Christians Who cast them in prison and gave his vote for them to be put to death- Acts 26:9-10
Saul’s Conversion-1 Occurred when Saul was on a trip to Damascus to persecute Christians- Acts 9:3-5 He saw a bright light which blinded him And had a vision in which Jesus appeared to him and said that Saul had been persecuting Him Saul asked what the Lord wanted him to do He was told to enter into Damascus where he would be told what to do- Acts 9:6
Saul’s Conversion-2 Jesus sent a man named Ananias to Saul who restored his sight Ananias told Saul that he was chosen to bear witness to what he had seen and heard- Acts 22:15 And that he would bear Jesus’ name before Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel- Acts 9:15 Ananias told Saul to arise and be baptized and wash away his sins calling on the name of the Lord- Acts 22:16 Immediately Saul began to preach Christ in the synagogues of Damascus
Paul’s Preaching-1 He taught both Jews and gentiles that Jesus is the risen Christ and the Son of God He taught those who believed to forsake sin and live a holy righteous life- Eph. 4:22-24 He went on three preaching trips to Asia Minor and into Europe His preaching often aroused persecution from the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles- II Cor. 11:24-28 He also had a physical ailment that he called “a thorn in the flesh”- II Cor. 12:7
Paul’s Preaching-2 He prayed to be rid of it, but Jesus told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” When he returned from his 3 rd trip with a collection for the poor saints, Paul was rescued from the Jews by a Roman officer He was confined for two years in Caesarea before he appealed to Caesar- Acts 24:27 He lived in his own hired house in Rome for two years- Acts 28:30 It appears that he was released and arrested again later Then he was executed in Rome for preaching Christ- II Tim. 4:6-8
Lessons from Paul-1 1. Saul’s conversion was real and dramatic He changed from a violent persecutor of Christians to a zealous follower of Christ and proclaimer of His gospel- Acts 9:21 His conversion is a testimony to the truth of the gospel Nothing but the assurance that Jesus is the Christ could have produced such a change in Saul’s life Conversion should produce changes for the better in the life of every Christian
Lessons from Paul-2 2.Paul maintained a good conscience- Acts 23:1 Even when he was imprisoning Christians, he thought he was doing the right thing And his conscience moved him to obey Christ when he found out that he was wrong- I Tim. 1:13 To violate one’s conscience is sin- Rom. 14:23 We must also maintain a good conscience educated by God’s word- I Jn. 3:20-21
Lessons from Paul-3 3.Paul made many sacrifices to serve Christ He gave up the favor of his fellow Jews He gave up his position of prominence among the Pharisees- Gal. 1:14 Instead, he took on a life of hardship and persecution He called those things that he lost rubbish compared the righteousness that is in Christ- Phil. 3:8 The Lord expects us to make sacrifices to serve Him- Lk. 14:27 Paul said that the reward will be worth any sacrifice- II Cor. 4:17
Lessons from Paul-4 4. Paul trusted in Jesus To help him in time of persecution- I Tim. 4:10 That trust enabled him to pray and sing hymns after being unjustly beaten and placed in a Philippian jail- Acts 16:25 It enabled him to bear his thorn in the flesh- II Cor. 12:9-10 It enabled him to be content with little or much- Phil. 4:13 His trust allowed him to face death confident of the great reward he would receive- II Tim. 4:8 Are you trusting in the Lord as Paul did?