Elementary MP Program Class Organization Academic Year: 2015-2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Elementary MP Program Class Organization Academic Year:

Objectives Discuss the EL Master Plan class organization & policy changes. Practice organizing classrooms at a grade level per policy guidelines. Learn Federal restrictions on segregation of ELs and related heterogeneous grouping requirements.

Elementary Master Plan Program Class Organization Policy

Major Policy changes We will use the overall CELDT score in lieu of ELD portfolio levels for class organization. Guidelines for heterogeneous groupings of students.

Rationale for Policy Changes Incorporates joint guidance from the US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights and the US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division: Federal Guidelines for English Learner Students dated January 7, 2015 CELDT is a valid and reliable measure Aids in transition to full implementation of the CA ELD Standards and English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) Ensures delivery of a comprehensive instructional program for ELs, consisting of Designated and Integrated ELD


EL Placement Factors Master Plan Program Overall CELDT score Identified academic needs as measured by District and school formative and summative assessments (ELD portfolio work samples, DIBELS) In the event that the overall CELDT level is not available, schools must convene a LAT meeting to discuss EL students’ academic needs for appropriate placement

Important Note “School sites consider numerous factors during the class organization process (e.g., behavior, gender, reading level), however, in keeping with the Master Plan for ELs and the district’s agreement with the Office of Civil Rights, the linguistic needs of ELs as measured by the CELDT must take precedence.” Reference Guide , Page 3

Organization of Structured English Immersion and Mainstream English Classes Prior to organizing classes, the site administrator must: Update Master Plan Instructional Program information in MiSiS Generate Master Plan and English Learner Rosters Use the Master Plan and EL Rosters to organize classes at each grade level based on student information: Language Classification Master Plan Instructional Program Overall CELDT Score

EL Placement Guidelines Reference Guide , Page 4

EL Placement Guidelines Are there enough ELs at consecutive overall CELDT levels within one grade level to organize full class(es) of two consecutive CELDT levels, starting with your lowest proficiency level? Then group ELs by two consecutive overall CELDT levels at that grade level (i.e, levels 1/2, levels 2/3, levels 3/4, levels 4/5). These classes consist of 100% ELs. If yes… If no..

EL Placement Guidelines Are there enough ELs at overall CELDT levels 1, 2, and 3 within one grade level to organize a full class of only CELDT levels 1, 2, and 3? Then group ELs by these three consecutive overall CELDT levels at that grade level. These classes consist of 100% ELs. If yes… If no..

EL Placement Guidelines Are there enough ELs within one grade level to organize a full class of overall CELDT levels 1, 2, and 3, with the class completed with CELDT levels 4 and 5? Then group ELs by these overall CELDT levels at that grade level. These classes consist of 100% ELs. If yes If no..

EL Placement Guidelines Are there not enough (or enough remaining) ELs in a grade level to create a class composed solely of ELs? Then group all ELs of the grade level together in one class and complete the class with non-ELs (IFEPs, RFEPs, and/or EOs) who may have similar needs. If yes

Classroom Organization Activity

Documents Needed for EL Placement ESCN Classroom Organization Tool Master Plan Roster EL Roster

Grade 1 Class #1 21 Students Grade 1 Class #2 22 Students Grade 1 Class #3 22 Students Grade 1 Class #4 23 Students 88 All EL All EO/IFEP/ RFEP All EO/IFEP/ RFEP All EO/IFEP/ RFEP All EO/IFEP/ RFEP 45 43

Grade 1 Class #1 21 Students Grade 1 Class #2 22 Students Grade 1 Class #3 22 Students Grade 1 Class #4 23 Students 2 88 All EL All EO/IFEP/ RFEP All EO/IFEP/ RFEP Classroom Organization – Guided Practice

Task: Develop The CLASS ORGANIZATION Chart for the Sample Grade Level Grade 2 Class #1 23 Students Grade 2 Class #2 23 Students Grade 2 Class #3 23 Students Grade 2 Class #4 21 Students EO=23 EO=19 IFEP=2 All EL CELDT 1=1 CELDT 2=3 CELDT 3=10 CELDT 4=9 CELDT 2=4 CELDT 3=9 CELDT 4=7 CELDT 5=1 RFEP =2

Classroom Organization – Debrief

/2/2 23


Structured English Immersion The Structured English Immersion (EI) is appropriate for ELs who are “ less than reasonably fluent in English” (i.e, overall CELDT levels 1-3), unless another Master Plan instructional program is selected by the parent/guardian.

Structured English Immersion Designated English Language Development 60 Minutes of ELD Instruction for ELs (overall CELDT levels 1-3) Teaming for Designated ELD must occur if there is more than two overall CELDT levels in a class ELA/Literacy (achieve grade level content proficiency) Scaffolded and differentiated content instruction Primary language support as needed

MAINSTREAM INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM The Mainstream Program is appropriate for ELs who are “reasonably fluent in English.” When there is a sufficient number of ELs at overall CELDT level 4 and 5 in a grade level, classroom must be comprised of 100% ELs.

Mainstream English Instructional Program Designated English Language Development Minutes of ELD Instruction for ELs (overall CELDT levels 4-5) Teaming for Designated ELD must occur if there is more than two overall CELDT levels in a class ELA/Literacy (achieve grade level content proficiency) Scaffold and differentiated content instruction Primary language support as needed


Heterogeneous Grouping Federal guidelines prohibit the segregation of students. Certain programs may be designed, however, to require that ELs receive separate instruction for a limited portion of the day in ELA/Literacy and Designated ELD. Reference Guide , Pages 4-5

Heterogeneous Grouping In programs where classes consist of 100 percent ELs, heterogeneous grouping is mandatory on a daily basis for a portion of the day in content areas such as Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, the Arts and Physical Education. This applies to Structured English Immersion, Mainstream, Transitional Bilingual Education and Maintenance Bilingual Education Heterogeneous grouping requires that ELs be grouped with Fluent English Proficient Students (IFEPs, RFEPs, EOs). Reference Guide , Pages 4-5

Heterogeneous Grouping In cases where the number of EOs, IFEPs, RFEPs is limited, students should be heterogeneously grouped with ELs at different overall CELDT levels. Reference Guide , Pages 4-5

Heterogeneous Grouping Which classes require a plan for heterogeneous grouping due to the number of ELs in those classes? Which classes will be involved in the heterogeneous grouping plan? What content area(s) will be taught during the heterogeneous grouping?


Administrator’s Responsibility The site administrator will organized classes to ensure the linguistic and academic needs of ELs, including those with disabilities, are met by authorized staff. Although teachers may provide input on class organization, the site administrator is responsible for ensuring EL classroom placement adheres to District policy.


Reorganization Cards MiSiS Reorganization Cards are available under reports Use MiSiS Explorer and Mail Merge to create Reorganization Cards sorted by grade, language classification, and overall CELDT levels PC Instructions Available Mac Instructions Available

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