PGCE School Experience 1 Briefing Gill Woods
Important Dates for SE1 PRELIMINARY VISIT DAYS Wednesday 1st October Wednesday 8 th October 8 WEEK BLOCK SCHOOL EXPERIENCE 1 (SE1) Monday 13th October to Friday 12th December 2014 MID POINT REVIEW TO BE SUBMITTED By Friday, 21st November 2014 END OF SCHOOL EXPERIENCE REPORT TO BE SUBMITTED By Friday, 12 th December 2014
Roles and Responsibilities of the Class Teacher (p.10) Attend training in order to support the SE process Discuss and clarify expectations Discuss planning with trainee Review planning, responding both to areas of strength and areas that need further support. Formally observe a lesson every week, giving constructive feedback. Conduct weekly reviews Support the trainee in the developing a variety of teaching styles, behaviour management styles and assessment. Check the Reflective Portfolio
Trainees should have… Lesson Planning: for all lessons taught. Reference to the Teachers’ Standards should be evident. Use the new planning format Self Evaluations: 1 detailed evaluation per day, other evaluations can take the form of annotations on lesson plans 1 formal lesson observation per week (class teacher, lead mentor etc.) Weekly Review Opportunity to undertake the Professional Enquiry tasks Two files – School Experience and RP. These should be in school every day
Preliminary Visit Days They MUST have their DBS letter from University with them. They should: Complete school information sheet Complete emergency contact information for school office Obtain copies of the school’s safeguarding, behaviour, health & safety and e-safety policies. Obtain class timetable, basic pupil details etc. Planning Have an idea of arrangements for week 1 of the SE Ensure they exchange s/contact details with you
The School Experience file Organisation of SE file Section 1Classroom organisation Staff responsibilities/duties, class list, classroom layouts and groupings. Section 2Planning for the current week This should contain a timetable, lesson plans and evaluations for the current week. Section 3Planning for previous weeks Organised chronologically and sub-divided into weeks Section 4 Assessment This section should contain evidence of how you have assessed and recorded pupil progress/attainment whilst on School Experience. NB: Always in school, visible and professional in appearance
Expectations of SE1 Week 1 1.Set up files according to the handbook 2.Observe at least one lesson daily and complete the Observation by Trainee Teacher form 3.Work alongside the class teacher taking groups as required and provide retrospective lesson plans for at least 5 of these group lessons. 4.Discuss with the class teacher which groups they will be working with in subsequent weeks, and the lessons they will be teaching. 5.Prepare lesson/session plans for groups to be taught in week 2. They should aim to be planning one session each day. Discuss these with the teacher. 6.Prepare co-teaching lessons/sessions for next week with the class teacher. 7. Prepare a weekly review sheet for the weekly meeting and following the discussion, complete the form with agreed targets set for the next week. 8.Make some reflective entries in the RP about what they have learned from their experiences this week. 9.Identify a timescale to complete their professional enquiry tasks (and collection of PSS data if appropriate). Please note weeks 1 and 2 are not assessed.
Weeks 2 and 3 1. Co-plan, co-teach and co-evaluate three whole class lessons/sessions with the class teacher. 2. Continue to work alongside the class teacher supporting groups that the class teacher has planned for. Make sure that there are clear plans for each session/lesson taught. 3. Evaluate each lesson, one in detail each day, using the relevant form; this may be the co-taught lesson on some days. Evaluate all other lesson plans by annotating them to inform future planning. 4. Continue to observe the class teacher or observe an experienced teacher in another key stage where possible. Complete the observation form and discuss the learning with the class teacher. 5. Make notes about how the teacher records child progress. 6. Prepare a weekly review sheet for theweekly meeting and following the discussion, complete the form with agreed targets set for the next week. 7. Check that files are up to date, well organised and presented. J
Weeks 4 and 5 Teach five whole class lessons as a minimum. Continue all other expectations as described above for weeks 2 and 3
UW Tutor Visit Time agreed; tutors should contact the lead mentor in school to arrange the first visit Each visit should be approximately one and a half hours in length Joint lesson observation; between class teacher and tutor. All files (including RP) accessible at the start of the lesson along with lesson plan. Joint feedback; class teacher and tutor feedback to trainee. Two visits
Mid Point Review During the mid-point of the School Experience they will meet with you and/or supervisory tutor to discuss their progress to date and to set further targets for the next few weeks. The school will complete the Mid-Point Review Sheet and it should be kept at the front of your school experience file with a copy ed to This should arrive at the School Experience office no later than Friday 21 st November NB. They may be asked to return to UW for further support following the mid-point review.
Weeks 6, 7 and 8 1. Teach at least two lessons per day – a combination of whole class and group lessons. At least five lessons a week should be whole class lessons on their own. You should act as their teaching assistant. Evaluate the effectiveness of these lessons with the class teacher. 2. Have clear lesson plans for each group and whole class lesson taught. 3. Continue to support class teacher 4. Keep files are up to date. 5. Check that all professional enquiry tasks have been completed for SE1 In addition during week 8: 1. Ensure that all resources and items that have been borrowed are returned. 2. Check they have completed their RP. 3. Complete a Subject Knowledge Learning Plan for English, Maths and Science.
Final SE1 Report Discuss the School Experience report with the teacher and /or Lead Mentor and ensure that, once completed, a copy is ed to by Friday 12 th December This should be word processed and not sent in a pdf. format. You should also a copy of your attendance IT IS THE TRAINEE TEACHER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT THE SCHOOL EXPERIENCE REPORT IS COMPLETED AND SENT TO THE RIGHT PLACE BY THE APPROPRIATE DATE.
What is the purpose of the RP? The Reflective Portfolio enables them to record their achievement against the Teachers’ Standards. They are responsible for making regular entries and gathering appropriate evidence.
RP continued……… Separate file in school at all times Evidence for Teachers’ Standards Reflective and developmental Used for target setting Random sample monitored Class teacher to view once a week
Grading Structure OT1 OT2 OT3 Emerging Targeted Support
Targeted support A clearer process
Any Questions.. Julie Sutton 2013