A V IEW FROM THE B RIDGE J USTICE Kristen, Jennifer P, Adam & Jennifer W
J USTICE What is Justice? The importance of Justice in the play?
J USTICE IS INTRODUCED IN THE PLAY Alfieri’s monologue Eddie first introduces justice in the Carbone household
T HE EFFECT OF JUSTICE Every character is effected by justice in some way. Justice is an occurring theme Eddie believed in the old Italian law which was dealing with problems within the community but he became so desperate and attempted to seek for legal justice.
E DDIE ’ S ATTEMPT FOR LEGAL JUSTICE. Eddie seeks Alfieri’s help to stop Catherine and Rodolpho getting married. Alfieri suggests to Eddie that he should find valid evidence that the cousins entered the country illegally. Alfieri makes it clear that he can only serve justice by the law.
E DDIE SEEKING JUSTICE FROM R ODOLPHO. “Come on, show me, What’re you gonna be? Show me!” Eddie is trying to prove a point to Catherine that Rodolpho is homosexual.
J USTICE FOR C ATHERINE There are two stages when Catherine is gaining her independence. Catherine tells Eddie she is marrying Rodolpho Eddie dies after Marco stabs him with the knife.
Justice for Marco Marco lets his personal feelings interfere with his idea of justice. Marco believes the only honorable course is to punish Eddie when Eddie betrayed the brothers. Marco was going to have a fist fight with Eddie and didn’t take any weapons to the house.