Developing Sunday School Leaders Dr. Tim S. Smith Sunday School/Small Groups Specialist State Missionary Georgia Baptist Convention Developing Sunday School Leaders
The “NOT-SO” Top 10 Excuses People Give for Not Teaching a Sunday School Class #10 “I don’t enjoy spending time with people.” #9 “That’s not my spiritual gift.” #8 “I am too busy!” #7 “I would have to be there every week.” #6 “I’m afraid of speaking in public.” #5 “I have no one to watch my kids while I’m teaching.” #4 “Some people are weird and I wouldn’t know what to do.” #3 “I don’t know what to teach or how to teach.” #2 “I didn’t know we needed more volunteers.” #1 “I don’t know how to sign up.”
Why your church needs new Sunday School teachers and leaders…. Attrition Starting new classes/groups
Jesus’ Leadership Strategy He preached to the multitudes. He sent out the seventy-two. (Luke 10:1-24) He mentored the twelve. (Mark 3:14–19) He befriended the three. (Matthew 17:1-3) He loved the one. (John 13:23)
Jesus’ Training Process I do, you watch. I do, you help. You do, I help. You do, I watch. You do, someone else watches.
Skills needed to be a successful Sunday School leader/teacher… Spiritual growth = personal Bible study plan 1. Observation – what do I see? 2. Interpretation – what does a passage mean? 3. Application – how do I get the Word of God into my life in a practical way?
Skills needed to be a successful Sunday School leader/teacher… How to teach the Bible (teaching for spiritual transformation and life change, not just to cover content or treating the Bible like a history or literature book) 1. preparation 2. presentation
Skills needed to be a successful Sunday School leader/teacher… Caring for members 1. personal prayer time for members 2. expressions of care and concern 3. constantly communicating through text messages, emails, phone calls, cards, etc. 4. spending time with them individually and as a group
Skills needed to be a successful Sunday School leader/teacher… Reaching new members 1. develop a prospect file for you and your class/group 2. help your members write their testimony 3. train them to use a marked new testament 4. help to memorize a gospel presentation
My BEST 5 Ideas for starting new classes/groups teacher/leader trains an apprentice class/group starts a new class/group class starts a new group life stage or life skill class/group an affinity group
Top 10 reasons church leaders have heard for people not serving… too busy - 42% bad past experience - 11% too many family pressures - 11% don't want to be tied down - 9% don't know what there is to do - 7% feel unqualified - 7% need fellowship myself - 4% never asked - 4% already served my time - 4% fear of failure - 1%
What is your plan for developing new leaders?
My BEST 5 Strategies for NEW Sunday School Leaders ask your people and involve your leaders establish team-based ministries enlist mentoring teachers use on-line resources develop a leadership course
ADMINISTRATIVE Developing a Purpose/Mission Statement for Your Sunday School Determining the Leadership Structure for Your Sunday School Developing General Sunday School Leader Expectations and Specialized Ministry Descriptions Discovering Potential Sunday School Leaders Deploying the Promotion for the Sunday School Leadership Development Course
TEACHING Session #1 “The Basics of Sunday School Ministry” Session #2 “Sunday School Organization and Worker and Leader Responsibilities” Session #3 “Reaching People and Developing Witnessing Skills” Session #4 “The Sunday School Leader’s Spiritual Life” Session #5 “Leading the Bible Study in a … Preschool, Children’s, Youth and Adult Sunday School Class Session #6 “Observing in a Class”
Dr. Tim S. Smith, State Missionary Sunday School/Small Groups Specialist Georgia Baptist Convention 6405 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, GA 30097-4092 770.936.5287 or 1.800.746.4422 ext. 287