Stephen King By: Abigail Scavone
Making an Impact Stephen Edwin King made a huge impact on the world. He made horror possible in reading, by creating the most spine chilling novels you will ever read. Most people didn’t like Stephen King because of his genera/style of writing, and turned all of his work down. But all he did was keep on writing, and look at him now. He is claimed to be the most successful author in the past two decades, and continues to write today. Almost all of his novels have been made into movies; meaning that Stephen King gets even more money, making him even more famous.
Timeline September 21, Stephen King was born in Portland, Maine Graduates from the University of Maine Carrie was published (first successful novel) and sold paperback for $400, Hit by a car, left with injuries from his lung, broken ribs, a broken leg, and a severely fractured hip Marries Tabitha Spruce Begins teaching English at Hampden Academy Has written over 50 best sellers, and is the author to 200 stories.
Interesting Facts His books sold over 350 million copies! He has a brother named David King who was adopted. Stephen King has three children named Joe, Owen, and Naomi. Four people in the immediate King family are writers!