The Royal Kingdom of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay Language Arts Theme 4 The Royal Kingdom of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay
Do Now- Define the vocabulary in your notebook. word splash bartering caravans entourage florishing goods oasis primary vicinity With your partner, create a paragraph using the words above.
Essential Question How are topic, main ideas, and details different?
Teacher read aloud Our Gifts from the Greeks What do you think the topic of the selection is? What is one main idea in this selection? Which details support this main idea? What details explain how the modern day marathon was named and how its length was established?
Assignment Read page 408-409. Transparency 4-18. Complete lab 38. Preview lab 39.
Ticket Out the Door How are topic, main ideas, and details different?
Do Now The United States won 46 gold medals. medals Organize according to topic, main idea, and details. The United States won 46 gold medals. medals The London Games occurred in 2012. The United States won 29 bronze medals. The United States won 29 silver medals. Olympics
Essential Question How can I identify topic, main idea, and details in a selection?
Assignment Read page 411-423. Complete lab 39 and 40.
Gold for Salt Ghana’s secret gold mines produced gold for use and trade. Gold was common and plentiful in Ghana. The location of the gold mines was kept secret. Archaeologists are still searching for the mines.
Dumb Bartering Wangaran miners used dumb bartering to protect their gold. Merchants and miners traded without speaking. Miners chose death over betraying the location of the mine. Trade was Ghana’s lifeblood, so soldiers protected caravans.
The Trade Caravan Trade caravans carried goods through Ghana and beyond. Camels were essential for desert travel. Traveling in large groups provided safety and resources. Caravans traveled during the coolest parts of the day.
Daily Life Daily life in the city differed from life in the small villages. City people had expensive belongings and ate exotic food. Eighty percent of people lived in small farming compounds. The whole community was one big extended family.
Lab 40 Ghana camel caravan gold honey, jewelry, tools, metal and leather goods, birds, livestock forty days other traders, slaves, bodyguards, scholars, ambassadors, poets, musicians
Lab 40 7. travel about three miles per hour from oasis to oasis; stop for prayer periods; stop at caravanserai during hottest part of the day. occasional travel, usually travelers sleep while guards stand watch One big family; work together on farms, advanced farming skills, men and women share work, houses made of mud or wood and stone.
Ticket Out the Door Complete question 6 on page 424.
Assessment Complete the selection test. Complete practice book page 41-42.