Introduction to Archaeology Anth13 Dr. Marco Meniketti
Agenda About the course The syllabus, policies The text and supplemental readings About the Professor The assignments
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Introduction What is Archaeology and why it is important in the modern world.
SJSU students conducting fieldwork in the West Indies
Archaeology as field of science Branch of Anthropology Related to history Roots in classical studies and antiquarianism
Who is an archaeologist? The popular image.
Victorian period
Myths of our period.
The “truth”
Primary areas of activity/employment Academic Government CRM and Contract
Areas of study Prehistoric Historic (text-aided) Regional designations Classical and Egyptology Physical Anthropology Forensics Biblical Considerable overlap within the specialties Example: nautical archeology
SJSU students working in the Caribbean.
Brief history of the field Antiquarian interests Age of Enlightenment Thomas Jefferson Treasure hunting Relic collecting Museum competition
Origins of scientific archaeology Europeans try to explain the people of the “New World” Napoleon invades Egypt Discovery of Rosetta stone Europeans compete for ancient objects Heinrich Schliemann excavates at Troy Evans excavates at Knossos
Specific training College degree Areas of specialization Cross-over Specific ethical practices Professional organizations Laws governing practice Federal and State
New findings In maritime archaeology In Egypt In Mexico
Assignment: Identify each person, term, or practice listed below. Who, what, when? Any connections? Herodotus Rosetta Stone Heinrich Schliemann V. Gordon Childe Sir Arthur Evans Thomas Jefferson Cyrus Thomas Three Age System (as relates to technological development) Deductive vs inductive reasoning The difference between hypothesis and theory