Press in Sub- Continent During and After 1857
Main reasons of Muslim nationalism in India after 1857 Unfavourable attitude of English ruling class towards Muslims as they regarded the Muslims the mainspring of rebellion. Low public representation. Negation of Modern Higher education by the Muslims out of both frustration and hatred, both on religious and cultural grounds. Clash of different economic, financial, administrative, legal and education systems. Vernacular press in different languages founded to represent the sentiments of masses. The increasing role of Indian (mostly Hindus) educated and commercial classes in the public life in the country.
Censorship & Control 1801 – 1818; Strict censorship – John Adam head of censorship department. Lord Hastings established censorship department and restored some liberties. Bengal was the first to take the lead in publishing papers in Indian languages. Hastings resigned in 1823, John Adam took the chatge and enforced the Press Ordinance. 1828; Lord Bentinek appointed new Governer General of India. Great supporter of Press Freedom. 1835; Year of Balanced Policy.
Growth & Role of Muslim Press before and during War of Independence 1822 Calcutta Jama e Jaha Numa Munshi Sada Sukh 1822 Calcutta Marat ul Akhbar Raja ram Mohan Rai 1831 Calcutta Ain e Sikandari Maulvi Siraj ud din Ahmad 1831 Calcutta Mah e Alam Afroz Wahaj ud din 1835 Ludiana Ludiana Akhbar 1835 Calcutta Sultan ul Akhbar Rajab Ali Lakhnawi 1836 Delhi Urdu Akhbar Maulvi M Baqir 1837 Agra Zubdet ul Akhbar Maulvi syed M Khan 1841 Siraj ul Akhbar Syed Awlaad Ali 1841 Bombay Ahsan ul Akhbar 1844 Delhi Sadiq ul Akhbar 1845 Delhi Karim ul Akhbar Jamil ud din Khan 1845 Madras Umdad ul Akhbar 1847 Agra Asad ul Akhbar 1851 Gulsahan e Naubar Abdul Qadir 1856 Lucknow Tilisim e Lucknow Maulvi Yaqoob Ansari
Significant factors of Progress of Urdu Journalism In 1830, East India Company declared Urdu the official language of small government institutions and court of law. In 1836 Lithotype was introduced which was both attractive and inexpensive.
Urdu Akhbar First page of the newspaper was used for the publication of the activities of Bahadur Shah Zafar. Movement and actions of British and other residents were included. News from Delhi had a special emphasis. Opinion and comments were given at the end of News. Maulvi Mohammad Baqir was sentenced to death. War reporting and coverage was made actively. Contents were then filled with English sentiment.
Sadiq ul Akhbar Took active part in revolting people against government. Highly anti Britain coverage “Iran-Britain War”. Covered court trail of Bahadur Shah Zafar. Popular in society. Published fatwas.
Sultan ul Akhbar Criticism on the policies of East India Company. Text of Delhi proclamation. Covered and commented on William Frasiers murder, the paper published proceedings of court, refused to accept verdict of court and termed the death sentence of nawab Shamas ud din as Murder.
Facts about Urdu newspapers 50 cents was the cost. Literacy rate was considerably low. At least 40 customers were required to make the publication an independent weekly. Regional, national and international news. Emphasis on educational reforms. Editorials were not included. Where necessary notes and comments were given at the end of column along with editors suggestions and interpretations. Hand made pictures given. No definite order or sequence was followed.
Facts about Urdu newspapers Highest circulation 150 / day. Lowest circulation 27 / day. Average of newspapers 50 / day. Kohe e Noor Newspaper Urdu newspaper from Lahore by Munshi Har Sukh Rai, launched in 1850. It was a govt. newspaper supported by the British. Excellent quality. Contained educative material.
After 1857: Sir Syed Ahnad Khan Tehzeeb ul Akhlaq: 1870 – 1877 Scientific Society magazine (continued for three decades). Introducing new spirit of Islam. Representation of Islam in Rational and Scientific perspective. Adoption of modern technology. Transformation of lives of Muslims in accordance with Islam. Formation of Muslim Public opinion & sentiment. Sir Syed also visited London to take a closer look at the British way of life. Tried to remove ignorance and false opinions and ideas in the Muslim mindset. He also had journalistic experience as he used to manage Syed ul Akhbar.
Risala e Asbab e Baghawat e Hind. Economic suppression. New administrative setup (Dissolution of native darbars & disbandment of princely states). Intrusion into Religious affairs. British govt. failed to provide channel & means of communication to listen to grievances. Deprived of high administrative ranks.
Scientific Society Magazine - 1866 Authentication of News sources along with their historical perspective. Cautious in criticism. Content based on Social, Moral, Cultural, Educational, Political and Economic topics. Results: Gathered a lot of attention. Had a significant impact on Muslim way of thinking.
Pamphlet; The Loyal Mohammadan’s of India – Social Reformer Policy of social compromise. Pointed out the events & incidents in which Muslims saved the lives of British Nationals. Removed misunderstandings. Encouraged active participation of youth. Restored the confidence of the Muslims. Importance of brotherhood, national identity, Islamic unity & Nationhood. Importance of preservation of cultural heritage. Muslim scholars were persuaded by Sir Syed to contribute their work and research. Enriched aspects of Urdu Literature.