The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this presentation and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material. A12: Roundtable/Networking Evaluation Tools Presented by Peg Mazeika & Kao Moua Her WI PBIS & RtI Technical Assistance Coordinators Amy Tranel External Coach MMSD
Today’s Agenda Overview of PBIS and Academic Surveys and Tools on the PBIS Apps website and website Evaluation Action Plan – Generate discussions, decisions, and selections on best fit tools – Collaborate and develop district and/or school timelines Yearly Action Plan 3-5 Year Plan Evaluation Schedule Examples Questions/Discussion PBIS Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Academic School-wide Implementation Review (SIR) All Staff Perception Survey
Why Evaluate? Synthesize Upon What is the current status of our implementation? To what extent was Academic RtI/SWPBS implemented as designed? What do we need to attain/maintain fidelity? Move up to next tier? What Training, Coaching, Staff Training? Family/Community support? What funding will be needed? Address the evaluation question: “Are we doing what we said we would do?”
Implementation Takes Time: 2 – 4 Years Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation / Continuous Improvement Stages of Implementation
Levels of Implementation *Exploration Not in Place Sustainability *Installation
District Leadership Team Self-Assessment Use by district leadership team (for example, district administrators, principals, external coaches, etc) Use to self-assess RtI Academic & Behavior overall for annual and long term goals and needs Develop action plan for training, funding, Coaching, professional development, technical assistance for team and staff
“Evaluation is the process of collecting and using information for decision-making. A hallmark of School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) is a commitment to formal evaluation.” District Leadership Team Self Assessment Appendix A Blueprint For Success What is Evaluation?
Current Tools for School PBIS Implementation Evaluation Research Tool Annual Assessment Tool Progress Monitoring Tool Universal System System-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Early Childhood BoQ (EC BoQ) PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Secondary & Tertiary Systems (ISSET)Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT) Outcome Measures: School Safety Survey
Current Tools for Academic RtI Implementation Evaluation Research Tool Annual Assessment Tool Progress Monitoring Tool Universal Level (Tier 1) Selected Level (Tier II) & Intensive Level (Tier III) Outcome Measures: School-wide Implementation Review & RtI All-Staff Perception Survey
IntensiveSelectedUniversal Current Tools for Academic RtI Implementation Evaluation School-wide Implementation Review & RtI All-Staff Perception Survey
Current Tools for Academic Implementation Evaluation: School-wide Implementation Review What WhyWhoWhenHow School-wide Implementation Review An online self assessment tool for Wisconsin schools to help them measure their RtI implementatio n as it relates to Wisconsin’s RtI framework. To answer the following questions: What does RtI look like in action? What does RtI look like in our school? What are our RtI strengths? Where have we improved? What do we still need to work on? The SIR should be completed by school leadership teams that include a building administrator. It should be taken annually as part of the school district’s action planning process. The SIR is available through the Wisconsin RtI Center website at no cost. Username and password for access to the SIR and reports will be ed to the building administrator.
Current Tools for Academic Implementation Evaluation: RtI All-Staff Perception Survey What WhyWhoWhenHow RtI All-Staff Perception Survey It is used by school staff for initial and annual assessment of perceptions of implementation of reading and mathematics multi- level support systems in their school. The survey results are summarized and used for a variety of purposes including: decision making; annual action planning for each content area; and identifying staff awareness of specific RtI practices, etc. All instructional staff in the school should be asked to complete the survey. Initially, staff complete the RtI All-Staff Perceptions Survey after the school leadership team has completed the SIR. In subsequent years, and as an on-going assessment and planning tool, it should be completed before the SIR. It is required that one school staff member be responsible for setting up and administering the survey to the instructional staff. The survey must be administered electronically in order for a report to be generated.
Decisions….Decisions! Decisions about Evaluation Tools – Which tools answer your district/schools’ evaluation questions/needs? – How will you use data to action plan district/team training and support needs based on evaluation results? Decisions about Evaluation Timeline – When/how often do you administer the tools? Decisions about Evaluation Reporting – Who & How Often will you report outcomes to school staff and to the District Leadership?
Evaluation & Action Planning Decisions about Evaluation Tools Does your District/School need a Research tool? PBIS: (SET/ISSET) Academic: School-wide Implementation Review (Reading/Math) & RtI All-Staff Perception Survey (Reading/Math) Which Annual Assessment Tool(s) will you use? PBIS: BoQ, ECBoQ SAS, Safety Survey, BAT, Academic: School-wide Implementation Review (Reading/Math) & RtI All-Staff Perception Survey (Reading/Math) Which Screening/Progressing Monitoring Tool(s) will/do you use? PBIS: TIC, MATT Academic: School-wide Implementation Review (Reading/Math) & RtI All-Staff Perception Survey (Reading/Math) Does your District/School plan include evaluation of all levels of implementation? Tier I (Universal Level), Tier II (Selected Level) -Tier III (Intensive Level)?
Example: The District wants to bring RtI Behavior and Academics together and create one evaluation plan. In what specific PBIS & Academic RtI areas are we strong, and in which areas do we need improvement or training? Does our current evaluation plan meet the needs of our school(s) in both Academic and Behavior? How can we schedule our evaluations so that we are not overwhelming our schools? What Funding/Coaching /Training /Technical needs will we have in the next few years to scale up our implementation in both areas?
A ttendance Attendance/tardies Chronic absenteeism Mobility Engagement Participation B ehavior Social-Emotional Office referrals Suspensions Behavioral screening Internalizing behaviors Developmental assets At-risk support Behavioral plan Family stressors C ontent Academic screening Common assessments Standardized testing Grades Retention Accelerated learning Interventions, Title I Head Start, Summer School Use your ABCs: Existing Data
Behavior & Academic Assessment Timeline Assessment Instrument Fall (August/Sept/Oct) Winter (Dec/Jan) Spring (April/May) Purpose Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) XXX until 80% Progress monitor Implementation Tier 1 Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) X Annually Fidelity of implementation Staff perception T1,2,3 RtI All-Staff Perception Survey X Annually (Before or After the SIR) ORX Annually (Before or After the SIR) Assess needs School-wide Implementation Review X (Progress Monitor?)X AnnuallyProgress monitor BoQ X Annually Fidelity of Implementation Tier 1 MATT XX (until 80%) Progress monitor implementation Tier2/3 BATT X Annually Fidelity of Implementation Tier2/3 SSBD X XX Universal Screener Early ID Internalizer/Externalizer ABC’s (Existing Data) or Academic Screening Data XXX Screening Progress Monitor Blue Print Self Assessment Dist Leadership Team X Training and implementation action planning and support. Adapted from Nieves Flores, 2012
What is our baseline, and what is our progress through the year in our Systems development and implementation? Are we improving on our implementation compared to baseline? Moving toward attaining Fidelity? Are student outcome data improving? How do our individual staff members rate our implementation in each area? Are our self-assessments consistent with data from outside evaluators? (SET, Walk Through) Are we meeting our annual Action Plan Goals? Example District/School Evaluation Questions Newly implementing/not yet at fidelity; Questions to be answered:
What specific areas in RtI are we strong in, and in which areas do we need training or support to improve? Are we maintaining our implementation of RtI Academic/PBIS at Tier 1 as we move up in the Tiers ? Do our staff members continue to ‘buy in’ to our Academic/PBIS implementation? Have we assessed our implementation of in the areas of Culturally Responsive Practices and Family Engagement? Example District/School Evaluation Questions Implementing PBIS for three years: We have been using the SAS, BoQ, SIR and have started Tier 2.
Task: Developing your Plan Questions to Consider: Which surveys are your schools/districts currently using? Do they answer your evaluation questions: – Are we implementing RtI/SWPBIS with fidelity? (SAS, BoQ, BAT, SIR) – Is there more information that we need? (TIC,MATT, SSS, CRP Interview, Family Engagement Interview) – How does our staff rate our implementation (SAS, RtI All-Staff Perception Survey) Do your surveys assess ALL the Tiers you are implementing? (TIC, ECBoQ, BoQ, MATT, BATT, TFI) Do you need a research tool? (SET, ISSET) Are you using a Universal Screener for Behavior/Social Skills? Are you Action Planning from your Assessments?
Task: Developing your Plan Other questions to consider Are you “topping out” of the surveys you are currently taking? Do you need to customize your evaluation plan for your school, or will one evaluation plan fit for all schools in your district? Are you assessing both Academic and Behavior RtI implementation? Do you use Universal Screening? Is your Evaluation Plan manageable for your school(s)? Do you have a District Leadership Team that plans for PBIS/RtI Implementation and support? Does your District Leadership Team Self Assess annually?
Task: Complete this Plan for your District/School Measure/ToolYear OneYear TwoYear Three FallWinterSpringFallWinterSpringFallWinterSpring
Action Plan from your Evaluations! Action Plan Resources: Templates on for TIC, SAS & BoQ etc. action plans Use Action Plans available in resources area TIPS format meeting minutes action plan State specifically when you will review your goals in your action plan!
Identify components you are Working on Now! What RtI components are already underway? AREA: ________ StrengthsWorking on now! BoQ/SIR Indicators of Success Work on next! Universal Selected Intensive Leadership & Organization al Structures
School name_________________________________ Date______________ Implementation Action Plan: Item/SectionEvidence/DataRoadblocksStrategies and resources Next Steps Action:Who?When?Goal:
Universal Screeners For info on Selection of Universal Screeners Go to enter Universal Screeners in Search box
Resources: website to connect to pbis assessment materials, videos, resources Evaluation Blueprint for School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Support: Appendix A District Leadership Assessment Tool ( Bob Algozzine, Robert H. Horner, George Sugai, The Role of Fidelity Measures in Implementing Evidence-based Practices: Lessons Learned from School-wide PBIS Tary J. Tobin, Claudia G. Vincent,