HWTS/WSP Workshop of the International Network on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Vientiane, Lao PDR November 2014 International Network on.


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Presentation transcript:

HWTS/WSP Workshop of the International Network on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Vientiane, Lao PDR November 2014 International Network on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage- focusing on the needs of the most vulnerable

Overview Basis for household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS) WHO/UNICEF International Network on HWTS Important HWTS initiatives National policy development International Scheme to Evaluate HWT Linking with water safety plans Monitoring and evaluation of HWTS Integrated interventions

Basis for Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Important interim solution for: –780 million without access to improved drinking-water –Billions without access to safe and reliable drinking-water Proven primary health intervention: –Reduces diarrhoea 32-42% ( Clasen, et al. 2006;Waddington,et al. 2009) –Included in UNICEF/WHO 7 point strategy for diarrhoea control (2009); WHO/UNICEF Global Action Plan to Prevent Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (2013) Optimizing benefits requires optimal choice, consistent and correct use by at-risk populations: –WHO recommendations on HWT performance (2011) –WHO/UNICEF Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating HWTS (2012) MoH Kenya, John Kariuki

4 |4 | International Network on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Co-hosted by WHO and UNICEF, Communications by UNC Water Institute Over 140 participating organizations Phase II Strategy ( ) aims to: –Support national policy and framework development –Strengthen evidence base –Evaluate and disseminate best practices –Realize tangible results in scaling-up Global Network targets address key areas of work

HWTS Global Strategy Mission Statement - To contribute to a significant reduction in water- borne and water-related vector-borne diseases, especially among vulnerable populations, by promoting household water treatment and safe storage as a key component of community-targeted environmental health programmes.

Facilitating National Policy Development Regional workshops and development of national action plans –East Africa 2011: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda –Southern Africa 2012: Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia –West Africa 2013: Gambia, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone –Asia 2013: Bhutan, Cambodia, India Focus on inclusion of HWTS in nat'l health policies –Child and maternal health –Nutrition –HIV/AIDS and TB –Emergencies Source: WHO, Status of national policies on household water treatment and safe storage in select countries. Geneva, Switzerland.

Why Integration?-Greater health gains Antenatal Care in Malawi (Sheth, AN, et al., 2010; Wood, et al., 2011) –Marked increase in antenatal visits, delivery in health facilities, and postnatal checks –30-fold increase in household water treatment 3 years later Zambia HIV+ mothers (Peletz, et al.; 2012; Peletz, et al.; 2013) –Use of filters 96% among HIV+ mothers –Significant reductions in diarrhoea in young children and the household –Long-term high use sustained even after intervention ceased Kenya multi-disease campaign (Walson, et al.; 2013) –Use higher in intervention vs control: 99.5% vs 76% (any method); 93% vs 0.4 % (filter) –Significant reductions in diarrhoea and HIV mortality WHO/ R Granich

International Scheme to Evaluate HWT Promote and coordinate independent and consistent testing and evaluation of household water treatment products based on WHO performance criteria; and Support national governments building technical capacity of research institutions and strengthening national regulation of HWT. Round I of evaluations currently underway

HWTS and Water Safety Plans Water easily becomes contaminated during collection and storage in the home (Wright et al., 2004) AND piped supplies in developing countries are often not reliable or safe (Prüss­-Ustün et al., 2014) HWTS provides an important mitigation measure to reduce risks associated with drinking-water in the home/school/care facility Many countries (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lao PDR, etc) working to holistically address water quality with WSPs and HWTS WHO/ M Montgomery

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