Distance learning: issues and trends MOOC and OER Anna Maria Tammaro University of Parma
MOOC MOOC are distance learning courses offered by many academic institutions, which are opening their cultural and teaching archive to everybody.
OER OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
Typologies of MOOCs cMOOCs based on a philosophy of connectivism and networking, emphasize openness, creation, creativity, autonomy and collaborative networking learning xMOOCs based on behaviorist pedagogy rely primarily on information transmission, auto grading assignments and peer assessment based on a hub and spoke model: the faculty at the centre and the learners are replicators
Ivan Illich Deschooling Society “an educational system should ‘provide all who want to learn with access to available resources at any time in their lives; empower all who want to share what they know to find those who want to learn it from them; and, finally furnish all who want to present an issue to the public with the opportunity to make their challenge known” (Illich, 1971, p.65).
European MOOCs Not for profit OpenupEd 11 Open Universities and some traditional universities 65 courses No platform Independent of educational philosophy, political issues, cultural environment For profit Future Learn Private company related to UK Open University Aims to increase access to higher education for people around the world
United States MOOCs Not for profit Stanford University (2011) Udacity (2012) EdX (2012) Harvard University and MIT For profit Coursera
Europe vs US MOOCs
MOOC in Europe
MOOC by subject
Open Education timeline (Yuan and Powell, 2013)
What has been done?
What is the most relevant for your interests and responsabilities? Support student learning in curriculum Support student learning outside the curriculum Developing professional practice of staff Building learning environment Developing institutional strategy
Country reports Armenia Contents [hide] 1 Overview 1.1 Further information 2 Education in Armenia 2.1 e-learning 2.2 Quality procedures 3 Internet in Armenia 3.1 Internet in Education 4 Copyright law in Armenia 4.1 Copyright law in Education 5 OER Initiatives in Armenia 5.1 National OER initiatives 5.2 Regional OER initiatives 5.3 Institutional OER initiatives 6 References 6.1 Reports
Institutional policies and strategies What are the opportunities for institutional cooperation on MOOCs in Europe? What could the European strategy for MOOCs be and how could institutions contribute? POERUP is carrying out research to understand how governments can stimulate the uptake of OER by policy means
Shared services Strategy of shared service instead of individual university services Possible central services may be related to registration and single login services, community and crowdsourcing facilities, cross- border / online exam possibilities, partner agreements on badge/credit transfer and/or networked curricula, IP and licensing support, LMS services, etc.
EMMA EMMA – European Multi Mooc Aggregator A new open knowledge model on which the EU project EMMA is focusing its attention. EMMA stands for European Multiple MOOC Aggregator; it is a CIP co-funded project
Licensing and other legal aspects Open access in scientific output is just a start, open education is seen as the next essential step. Open educational resources (OER) are said to facilitate performance improvement on accessibility, quality and efficiency of the educational system
Economic sustainability approaches and business models Open movement users get software, scientific output and educational resources for free and someone else needs to pay the costs How does this relate to other drivers like massification, globalisation, economy of scale and variable cost minimisation?
Didactical and pedagogical approaches and models Connectivism Constructivism Cognitivism
Course Map
Recognition options and quality assurance MOOCs offer a complete/full course experience including nonformal recognition option such as badges and/or a certificate of completion MOOCs already include an access route to formal accreditation, in ECTS, to be offered as a posterior additional paid service What are the consequences for the quality system at both an institutional and national level?
Project work What has to be done?