Physical Education Websites Jaime Oppenlander Jessi Brewer Kelly Draeger Erin Clark
Objective Comprehensive descriptions of beneficial websites to inform physical educators of online resources
Physical Education Central The site is for health & physical education teachers, parents and students to share information about developmentally appropriate physical education programs for children. Including, over 2,300 published lesson ideas, best practices, apps and assessments.
Health Teacher Subscription-based website offering comprehensive, sequential K-12 health education curriculum, including 300 lesson guides that meet national health education standards. Skills-based assessment methods also included with health education curriculum.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention This site offers a broad range of current research based information on health and wellness and is an excellent source of quality information for students and teachers.
Teach-nology offers physical educators lesson plans, worksheets, music, rubrics, games, strategies and resources to use in their classrooms.
Special Olympics Provides sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Under the Sport Section you can find coaching guides for all the sports. In the coaching guides it provides guides, activities, and adaptations for each sport for students with intellectual disabilities.
University of Alberta Health Centre Health Information Page Free, interactive software that educators can use in class to assist in teaching various health topics.
Fuel Up to Play 60 The program is to empower school aged kids to take charge of there health by making small changes in their daily routines, specifically at school. The program provides incentives to kids in order to help motivate them, as well as funding for school to help make these healthy changes possible. The primary focus of the program is to help students make healthy food choices and get 60 minutes of physical activity per day.
Michigan Department of Education _64839_38684_ ,00.html Website for physical educators to review student standards, graduation requirements, curriculum and instruction, news, teaching certification requirements, resource links, and professional development.
Shape America Website is designed to promote professional practice and includes research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport.
Science of Sport Engaging interactive website that is designed to address the science of specific sports of baseball, cycling, skateboarding, and hockey.
American School Health Association This site provides a network of resources that help in the planning, coordination, implementation, and advocacy of children’s health programs. The ASHA has a goal of creating healthy students with healthy, nurturing environments in coordination with schools and communities
Spark PE is a research-based, public health organization dedicated to creating, implementing, and evaluating programs that promote lifelong wellness that serves PE teachers through lesson plans, webinars, tips, grants, handouts, blogs, and news.
Kids Health Professionals and families can use this website to answer common health questions. Researched topics include the use of vitamins, updated food pyramid, healthy children's recipes, and how to information on food labels, keeping fit, and encouraging overall health.
P.E. Links 4U Resourceful reference on topics of adapted physical education, coaching and sports, elementary physical education, health and nutrition, fitness, interdisciplinary secondary physical education, and technology in physical education. Provides links to other major physical education websites.
Go Ask Alice This site allows students and teachers to ask questions and receive answers regarding health, via the internet. Students can access information about important health topics, have access to archives of previously posted questions and answers, and search various health topics. For students, this resource can serve as a safe, nonthreatening outlet for questions regarding health.
MAHPERD- Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance is an organization who offers physical educators workshops, advocacy support, services, awards, grants, and research.
Using Technology in Physical Education Newsletter html Newsletter designed for physical and health educators to provide the latest information on using technology in physical education.
Flaghouse Equipment is a online store that provides materials that can be used in Physical Education classes across grade levels and skill sets. These materials serve to help programs to develop and maintain important life skills.
Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS) was developed to assist individuals who wish to become certified Adapted Physical Educators, and promote the fifteen Adapted Physical Education Standards for APE teachers.
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