4 th November, 2014 Stanley Quek, Biomedical Sciences Institute Rita Keane: International Programmes Coordinator
International Programmes Coordinator: My Role Support international students throughout programme 1 st Med: assist with social, cultural, academic support 2 nd Med: arrange Erasmus programme 3 rd - 5 th Med: Summer Electives & Final Med electives for all students 3 rd – 5 th Med: support for networking and clerkships at home and abroad; US/CAN board exams 4 th – 5 th Med: support for international internships and residency applications, MSPE letters Visiting Summer Elective Programme for external non-TCD students (visiting students) Establish new international links
Summer Electives: Course Requirements Requirement: 8 weeks prior to 5 th Med Summer after 3 rd Med and 4 th Med Minimum 2 weeks in each summer Students must return on time for new AY Must submit Elective Evaluation Form (fully filled in, signed & stamped) and Elective Reflection Report by September 1 st Necessary to rise to the next year and for Medical Council Registration. Implications for your qualifying degree and eligibility to go forward to your final examinations.
What is an Elective? College calendar: Clinical experience in the summer vacation period of the 3 rd and 4 th Medical years obtained in one of the following: A general hospital in Ireland or abroad An overseas medical centre A laboratory (either service or routine) A clinical research unit A general practice
Procedure Students make contact with hospital/clinic/GP etc Make own arrangements re: dates, travel, content of elective etc. Elective Documentation: Elective recommendation letters/Dean’s letters, Insurance letter, Student status & Garda letters, transcripts Request on line through school website: Student Request Form available on-line or completed manually at School of Medicine Office (1 st Floor TBSI) OR contact Rowena at Application forms signature – contact Rita Keane: Immunisation status – contact College Health PLEASE REMEMBER TO NOTE YOUR STUDENT NUMBER & MED YEAR IN ALL S TO TCD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE
Procedure Continued…. Once your elective is confirmed, you must submit your Elective Details to the School of Medicine for approval through the On Line Form provided by the International Programmes Coordinator (Rita Keane) before the deadline in Spring After completion of your elective, you must submit your Elective Evaluation Form and Reflection Report before 1 st September 2015 to International Programmes Coordinator in TBSI by post or in person (Hard copies only – Please do NOT send scanned attachments by !)
TCD Teaching Hospitals For electives at SJH or AMNCH, complete the Internal Elective Application Form for TCD Students (see School website) and submit directly to hospital (contact names listed on new form in progress) Hospital departments reserve the right to refuse applications if students are not in good standing or if they have no availability. If you accept an elective place at SJH or AMNCH, it is mandatory to attend. Applications for Summer 2015 will open on 1 st December 2014 and close on 28 th February 2015
International Affiliates US affiliates - Columbia, Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania, Northwestern Electives take place in summer after 4 th Med Selection procedure based on 3 rd med results Note: Student’s responsibility to pay any administrative fees Work ongoing to establish new affiliations National University of Singapore - Yong Loo Lin Joly O’Morchoe Scholarship (UIUC) NEW Summer 2015:Université de Nantes,France Awaiting confirmation of arrangements for 2015
Advice Start planning asap & talk to previous students Check out the website for previous locations, student reports etc. (being updated in Nov) Be imaginative and maximise your experience Consider health and safety abroad: Travel and additional health insurance Resource Poor Settings: FREE online Pre- Departure Preparation: Be clear about your level of skills and what others can expect from you
SUMMER 2014 STATISTICS 3 rd & 4 th Med TCD Students Total of 446 Electives in Summer 2014 Where did our students go?
SUMMER 2014 STATISTICS How were electives arranged?
Elective Specialty
Did Students have to pay an Elective Fee?
And finally… Q&A Dr Raúl Pardíñaz-Solís : “Ethical Dilemmas faced by students at Electives” Student Presentations queries to