Bassett Healthcare Network Pediatrics-School-Based Health Betsy Bray, RDH
Partnership between…..
Source: School-Based Health Alliance Census Report
School-Based Health Centers: Geography Matters
Bassett Healthcare Network and the School-Based Health Program BHN 6 hospitals, 26 outreach clinics in 9 counties covering 5,600 square miles 12,591 inpatient visits and 698,178 outpatient visits in 2013 SBHP 19 sites in 14 school districts in 4 counties 32,109 visits in 2013, 30% for mental health, 10% dental
School-Based Health Center Staff Nurse Practitioners Practical Nurses School Nurses** Physician Assistants Mental Health Workers Registered Dental Hygienists Patient Navigators Support Staff Physicians Dentist
What Does the SBHCs Provide? Comprehensive Primary Health Care Mental Health Care Preventive and Restorative Oral Health Care Health Education
Preventative Oral Health Care in School-Based Health Centers
Three delivery models SBHC- D NonSBHC- D SBHC- Comp. care Preventative CarePreventative Care Comprehensive Care RDH DMD
Dental education And referral services begin in SBHC Bassett offers sealants at all schools in Otsego Co. Restorative Dental Services offered at 4 Schools/6 SBHC
Educate and train pediatric healthcare staff within the Bassett system on: caries risk assessment the application of Fluoride varnish in the well child visit. Recipient of NY State Dental Foundation Give a Kid a Smile Award 2010
Primary care staff become fully engaged in oral health care: Caries Risk Assessments Mass and individual screenings Fluoride Varnish Application by LPNs Recipient of NASBHC’s Expansion of Preventative Dental Services Grant 2012
Care Integration Project Funded by HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Support by National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center Georgetown University 12 Programs across the country funded 2 in New York State- *Bassett Healthcare Network *North Country Family Health Center Four Year Project- 4 Bassett SBH Centers
New to Bassett SBH: Restorative Oral Health Care
The work Year 1- Research and Development Recruitment of Dentist Policy and Procedure Baseline data Year 2- Securing staff and equipment Purchasing Equipment and Supplies Hiring and Credentialing of Dentist Hiring and training staff
The work continues… Year 3- Fully operational 3 sites Electronic Dental Record Year 4- Self Sustainability, Best Practice Sharing Expanded Services Data collection
Summary of SBHC Dental Services Children Eligible to be served 4,982 Users1,388 28% Total visits by Dental Team2,125 # of patients receiving sealants % # of patients with sealants present 82660% # of patients with untreated caries % HP 2020 OH-12.3 Increase the proportion of adolescents aged 13 to 15 who have increased dental sealants on one or more of their permanent molar teeth Target 21.9% OH-12.2 Increase the proportion of children aged 6 to 9 years who have received dental sealants on one or more of their permanent first molar teeth Target 28.10%
On the horizon Expanding services to additional SBH enrolled students Teledentistry Pediatric Integration PCMH initiative- projected launch 2015 Study Asthma/inhaler use correlation
Dental Health Trade Alliance Funding Reduce incidence of ECC through increased assessment, broader application of fluoride varnish application, caregiver education, increase referrals. GOALS: Expansion of Oral Health Assessment in Pediatrics -Caries RAT in EMR- smart sets -Develop tool kit for mass screening-varnish application events in SBH -Provide Training to PCP and Nursing staff
Advocacy: Part of SBHC Work
Thank you! Betsy Bray, RDH Project Coordinator Pediatrics: School-Based Health- Dental Bassett Healthcare Network