Year 11 Science – Which path are you on? BTEC Single Award GCSE Double Award GCSE Triple Award GCSE In-school portfolio/ project work Internal assessment (PC) ISA practicals Internal assessment (PC) ISA practicals Internal assessment (PC) ISA practicals 1 exam 3 exams 6 exams 9 exams a) b) c) d) MarchJuneAll yearCourse Self-evaluation and dated check-points
Year 11 BTEC sneaky revision plan Whatever your son or daughter says about “homework” they will always have some Science to revise. BTEC students sit a single paper called Unit 8 – Applications of Science in March. The paper is all about planning, analysing and evaluating experiments. The following outline plan is advised for independent study at home. Using the CGP BTEC First Award in Applications of Science Level 2 – Applications of Science – Unit 8 book… TermWhat should you be doing? Term 1 (3 rd Sept-20 th Oct)Planning Investigations (pg 5-12) Term 2 (4 th Nov-20 th Dec)Presenting and Analysing Data (pg 14-42) Term 3 (5 th Jan-14 th Feb)Concluding and Evaluating (pg 44-46), learning glossary keywords (pg 69) and practice exams (pg 49 and online at Edexcel)
Year 11 Single Award sneaky revision plan Whatever your son or daughter says about “homework” they will always have some Science to revise. Single Award students sit 3 papers in June – Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are many different revision books on the market and we encourage students to pick one they are comfortable with. We like the CGP revision guides though. The topics are all the same in all the books though so just select the topic to revise as appropriate. Whichever you use make sure you are using an AQA GCSE Science (not additional) book published after TermWhat should you be doing? Term 1 (3 rd Sept-20 th Oct) Biology in this order… 1) Diet, Health and Disease, 2) The Nervous System, 3) Hormones and Fertility, 4) Homeostasis, 5) Drugs, 6) Adaptations and Environment, 7) Pyramids and Energy, 8) Genes and Cloning, 9) Evolution Term 2 (4 th Nov-20 th Dec) Chemistry in this order… 1) Atoms and Periodic Table, 2) Limestone, 3) Extracting Metals, 4) Crude Oil, 5) Alkenes, 6) Plants Oils, 7) Plate Tectonics, 8) Earth’s Structure and 9) Atmosphere Term 3 (5 th Jan-14 th Feb) Physics in this order… 1) Heat and Kinetic theory, 2) Heat Transfer, 3) Specific Heat Capacity, 4) Efficiency, 5) Cost of Electricity, 6) Energy Source and Power Stations, 7) Energy Resources, 8) National Grid, 9) Waves and EM Waves, 10) Origin of the Universe
Year 11 Double Award sneaky revision plan Whatever your son or daughter says about “homework” they will always have some Science to revise. Double Award students sit 6 papers in June – Biology 1 and 2, Chemistry 1 and 2 and Physics 1 and 2. There are many different revision books on the market and we encourage students to pick one they are comfortable with. We like the CGP revision guides though. The topics are all the same in all the books though so just select the topic to revise as appropriate. Whichever you use make sure you are using an AQA GCSE Science and Science Additional books published after TermWhat should you be doing from what book? Term 1 (3 rd Sept- 20 th Oct) Core Science Biology 1 in this order… 1) Diet, Health and Disease, 2) The Nervous System, 3) Hormones and Fertility, 4) Homeostasis, 5) Drugs, 6) Adaptations and Environment, 7) Pyramids and Energy, 8) Genes and Cloning, 9) Evolution Additional Science Biology 2 in this order… 1) Cells, 2) Diffusion, 3) Specialised Cells, 4) Plants and Photosynthesis, 5) Distribution of Organisms, 6) Enzymes, 7) Cell Division, 8) Genetics, 9) Fossils, 10) Extinction and Speciation Term 2 (4 th Nov- 20 th Dec) Core Science Chemistry 1 in this order… 1) Atoms and Periodic Table, 2) Limestone, 3) Extracting Metals, 4) Crude Oil, 5) Alkenes, 6) Plants Oils, 7) Plate Tectonics, 8) Earth’s Structure and 9) Atmosphere Additional Science Chemistry 2 in this order… 1) Ionic and Covalent Bonding, 2) Metallic Structures, 3) Polymers, 4) Relative Formula Mass, 5) Calculating Masses, 6) Percentage Yield, 7) Reversible Reactions, 8) Rate of Reaction, 9) Collision Theory, 10) Acids and Alkalis, 11) Making Salts, 12) Electrolysis, 12) Aluminium Term 3 (5 th Jan- 14 th Feb) Core Science Physics 1 in this order… 1) Heat and Kinetic theory, 2) Heat Transfer, 3) Specific Heat Capacity, 4) Efficiency, 5) Cost of Electricity, 6) Energy Source and Power Stations, 7) Energy Resources, 8) National Grid, 9) Waves and EM Waves, 10) Origin of the Universe Additional Science Physics 2 in this order… 1) Velocity and Acceleration, 2) Forces and Terminal Velocity, 3) Stopping Distances, 4) Work, 5) KE, 6) Momentum, 7) Car safety, 8) Electricity and Circuits, 9) Mains Electricity, 10) Fuses and Earthing, 11) Atomic Structure, 12) Radiation, 13) Fission and Fusion, 14) Stars
Year 11 Triple Award sneaky revision plan Whatever your son or daughter says about “homework” they will always have some Science to revise. Triple Award students sit 9 papers in June – Biology 1/2/3, Chemistry 1/2/3 and Physics 1/2/3 and need to be well prepared for this. Students should be revising from 3 Separate AQA Revision Guides published after TermWhat should you be doing from what book? Term 1 (3 rd Sept- 20 th Oct) Biology 1 in this order… 1) Diet, Health and Disease, 2) The Nervous System, 3) Hormones and Fertility, 4) Homeostasis, 5) Drugs, 6) Adaptations and Environment, 7) Pyramids and Energy, 8) Genes and Cloning, 9) Evolution Biology 2 in this order… 1) Cells, 2) Diffusion, 3) Specialised Cells, 4) Plants and Photosynthesis, 5) Distribution of Organisms, 6) Enzymes, 7) Cell Division, 8) Genetics, 9) Fossils, 10) Extinction and Speciation Biology 3 in this order… 1) Dissolved Substances, 2) Exchange surfaces in Plants and Animals, 3) Circulation, 4) Transport in Plants, 5) Homeostasis, 6) Kidney, 7) Controlling Temperature and Sugar, 8) Human Populations and pollution, 9) Deforestation, 10) Global Warming, 11) Food Production Term 2 (4 th Nov- 20 th Dec) Chemistry 1 in this order… 1) Atoms and Periodic Table, 2) Limestone, 3) Extracting Metals, 4) Crude Oil, 5) Alkenes, 6) Plants Oils, 7) Plate Tectonics, 8) Earth’s Structure and 9) Atmosphere Chemistry 2 in this order… 1) Ionic and Covalent Bonding, 2) Metallic Structures, 3) Polymers, 4) Relative Formula Mass, 5) Calculating Masses, 6) Percentage Yield, 7) Reversible Reactions, 8) Rate of Reaction, 9) Collision Theory, 10) Acids and Alkalis, 11) Making Salts, 12) Electrolysis, 12) Aluminium Chemistry 3 in this order… 1) Periodic Table, 2) Alkali metals, 3) Halogens, 4) Water, 5) Energy Change, 6) Fuels, 7) Identifying Cations and Anions, 8) Titrations, 9) Ammonia, 10) Alcohol, 11) Carboxyllic Acids, 12) Esters Term 3 (5 th Jan- 14 th Feb) Physics 1 in this order… 1) Heat and Kinetic theory, 2) Heat Transfer, 3) Specific Heat Capacity, 4) Efficiency, 5) Cost of Electricity, 6) Energy Source and Power Stations, 7) Energy Resources, 8) National Grid, 9) Waves and EM Waves, 10) Origin of the Universe Physics 2 in this order… 1) Velocity and Acceleration, 2) Forces and Terminal Velocity, 3) Stopping Distances, 4) Work, 5) KE, 6) Momentum, 7) Car safety, 8) Electricity and Circuits, 9) Mains Electricity, 10) Fuses and Earthing, 11) Atomic Structure, 12) Radiation, 13) Fission and Fusion, 14) Stars Physics 3 in this order… 1) X-rays, 2) Ultrasound, 3) Refraction, 4) Lenses, 5) Magnification and Power, 6) Eyes, 7) Cameras, 8) TIR, 9) Falling Over, 10) Moments, 11) Levers, 12) Hydraulics, 13) Circular Motion, 14) Electric Motors, 15) Transformers, 16) Power Supply
Year 10 Science – Which path are you on? Double Award GCSE Triple Award GCSE Internal assessment (PC) ISA practicals Internal assessment (PC) ISA practicals No exams a) b) June 2015All yearCourse 6 exams 9 exams June 2016 Self-evaluation and dated check-points
Year 10 Double Award sneaky revision plan Whatever your son or daughter says about “homework” they will always have some Science to revise. This year Double Award students complete Core Biology, Chemistry and Physics but do not sit exams this year. By revising topics now – this will ensure they do not pile up work for 6 exams in The topics are all the same in all the revision books so just select the topic to revise as appropriate. Whichever you use make sure you are using an AQA GCSE Science (not Additional Science) book published after Keep the book for 2016’s exams! TermWhat should you be doing? Term 1 and 2 Biology in this order… (pages 12-43) 1) Diet, Health and Disease, 2) The Nervous System, 3) Hormones and Fertility, 4) Homeostasis, 5) Drugs, 6) Adaptations and Environment, 7) Pyramids and Energy, 8) Genes and Cloning, 9) Evolution Term 3 and 4 Chemistry in this order… (pages 44-71) 1) Atoms and Periodic Table, 2) Limestone, 3) Extracting Metals, 4) Crude Oil, 5) Alkenes, 6) Plants Oils, 7) Plate Tectonics, 8) Earth’s Structure and 9) Atmosphere Term 5 and 6 Physics in this order… (pages ) 1) Heat and Kinetic theory, 2) Heat Transfer, 3) Specific Heat Capacity, 4) Efficiency, 5) Cost of Electricity, 6) Energy Source and Power Stations, 7) Energy Resources, 8) National Grid, 9) Waves and EM Waves, 10) Origin of the Universe
Year 10 Triple Award sneaky revision plan TermWhat should you be doing from what book? Term 1 (3 rd Sept- 20 th Oct) Core Science Biology 1 in this order… 1) Diet, Health and Disease, 2) The Nervous System, 3) Hormones and Fertility, 4) Homeostasis, 5) Drugs, 6) Adaptations and Environment, 7) Pyramids and Energy, 8) Genes and Cloning, 9) Evolution Term 2 (4 th Nov- 20 th Dec) Core Science Chemistry 1 in this order… 1) Atoms and Periodic Table, 2) Limestone, 3) Extracting Metals, 4) Crude Oil, 5) Alkenes, 6) Plants Oils, 7) Plate Tectonics, 8) Earth’s Structure and 9) Atmosphere Term 3 (5 th Jan- 14 th Feb) Core Science Physics 1 in this order… 1) Heat and Kinetic theory, 2) Heat Transfer, 3) Specific Heat Capacity, 4) Efficiency, 5) Cost of Electricity, 6) Energy Source and Power Stations, 7) Energy Resources, 8) National Grid, 9) Waves and EM Waves, 10) Origin of the Universe Term 4 (23 rd Feb – 27 th March) Additional Science Chemistry 2 in this order… 1) Ionic and Covalent Bonding, 2) Metallic Structures, 3) Polymers, 4) Relative Formula Mass, 5) Calculating Masses, 6) Percentage Yield, 7) Reversible Reactions, 8) Rate of Reaction, 9) Collision Theory, 10) Acids and Alkalis, 11) Making Salts, 12) Electrolysis, 12) Aluminium Term 5 (13 th Apr- 22 nd May) Additional Science Biology 2 in this order… 1) Cells, 2) Diffusion, 3) Specialised Cells, 4) Plants and Photosynthesis, 5) Distribution of Organisms, 6) Enzymes, 7) Cell Division, 8) Genetics, 9) Fossils, 10) Extinction and Speciation Term 6 (1 st Jun – 17 th Jul) Additional Science Physics 2 in this order… 1) Velocity and Acceleration, 2) Forces and Terminal Velocity, 3) Stopping Distances, 4) Work, 5) KE, 6) Momentum, 7) Car safety, 8) Electricity and Circuits, 9) Mains Electricity, 10) Fuses and Earthing, 11) Atomic Structure, 12) Radiation, 13) Fission and Fusion, 14) Stars Whatever your son or daughter says about “homework” they will always have some Science to revise. This year Triple Award students complete Core Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will start Additional subjects too but do not sit exams this year. By revising topics now – this will ensure they do not pile up work for 9 exams in The topics are all the same in all the revision books so just select the topic to revise as appropriate. Whichever books you use make sure you are using an AQA GCSE Science and GCSE Additional Science OR BETTER STILL Science Separates books published after Keep the books for 2016’s exams!