Discovering an Author’s Point of View, Purpose & Tone Reading 4000 Instructor: Adelia
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader What is the author’s p.o.v? His or her attitude, opinion, or position on a subject -bias: prejudice towards one person, group or idea
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader Exercise 1: Identify the author’s p.o.v When the U.S. team won the 1991 Women’s World Cup in soccer, it was a triumph for little girls everywhere. For years educators and others have urged parents not to underestimate the abilities of their daughters in sports. Boys are supposed to be tough while girls are supposed to be ladylike, polite and play with dolls. But with athletics comes power and confidence, for boys and girls alike. Girls deserve a chance, too!
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader the p.o.v The author is clearly an advocate for women’s sports and thinks that young girls should play sports!
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader Exercise 2: Identify the author’s p.o.v When I decided to change jobs, the first thing I did was to go to Career Services at my school. They gave me a bunch of helpful information and helped me to narrow my focus to a few jobs. Then they helped me get in touch with several companies and even helped me set up a few interviews.
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader The p.o.v The author believes that Career Services departments at universities are good sources of information and advice for college students.
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader What is the author’s purpose? Typically every author has a particular intent, and that is to: –INFORM –PERSUADE –ENTERTAIN
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader Ex.1: Identify the Purpose The term acid rain refers to rainwater that has become much more acidic than normal rainwater. Is television teaching your child? What is it teaching her? Every day, a child can see more than 900 acts of violence during prime-time programming.
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader Identify the purpose ctd. A feeling of joy suddenly rushed through her body. She was so excited she could hardly stand it. Her boyfriend bent down on one knee and pulled out a little box. There it was a beautiful diamond ring.
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader What is the author’s tone? The tone of the author’s writing is similar to the tone of a speaker’s voice. What is the author’s attitude?
Source: Brenda Smith & Laura Headly. Lifelong Reader Exercise 3 Mom! Guess what? I got the job! Can you believe it? Isn’t it wonderful? We are deeply grieved to announce today the tragic death of Michael Jackson.