A simple acupuncture treatment that you can do in your office with a few needles and 20 minutes Scars can dramatically improve in appearance and “feel,” and Patients can be very impressed and happy
Surgical scars Traumatic scars Patients can have “pain” or other discomforts caused by their scars Case of 40 year old woman with “abdominal pain for 3 weeks”
“sticking” sensation in knee resolved after scar deactivation
Scar deactivation with fine sterile acupuncture needles can dramatically improve abnormal skin characteristics Caution to avoid infection Scar “infiltration” is a more invasive tx using injection of dilute lidocaine (<=1%) under the scar tissue to break up abnormal connective tissue
Use fine sterile acupuncture needles: 0.2 mm x 30 mm (blue handle) Consider scar treatment in any patient with pain issues: Low back pain Abdominal pain Chest wall pain Knee pain Neck pain
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