Policy and Procedures Highlights
STAAR A STAAR Alternate 2 Changes to Math Assessments Changes to Writing Assessments Standardized Oral Administration (SOA) DCCM pg. O-4 Changes to the Assessment Calendar Policy and Procedures Highlights
Updates to Mathematics & Writing Assessments
STAAR math assessments changes for grades 3-8 Raw score information provided in spring 2015 New performance standards approved in summer 2015 Pass/fail information provided in late summer 2015 No SSI second or third administration for mathematics
Math changes for grade 8 Required for general STAAR as well as STAAR L and STAAR A Required for both paper and online administrations Handheld graphing calculator Graphing calculation devices are now required for ALL students taking the STAAR grade 8 math test
STAAR reference material for paper administration Printed in test booklet on perforated pages May print and distribute (but not required) If printing, use TEA website STAAR reference materials for online administrations Available in online test through the exhibit window May print and distribute (but not required) If printing, use PEARSON website Updates to Math & Writing
Beginning in spring 2015, field-test prompts will no longer be included in operational STAAR assessments Students will write two essays on the grades 4 & 7 writing assessments (one on each day) Students will write one essay on the English I & English II assessments The grade 7 writing assessment has been restructured to parallel grade 4 Updates to Math & Writing
The purposes for writing have now been assigned to a particular day for grades 4 & 7 Grade 4: Personal Narrative on Day 1; Expository on Day 2 Grade 7: Expository on Day 1; Personal Narrative on Day 2 Updates to Math & Writing
Test Administration
Testing Calendars TEA Student Assessment Calendar Calendar of Events (found in DCCM) Test Administration
and_Overview/Calendars/Agency_Calendars/ manuals/dccm/ Student Assessment Calendar 2015 Calendar of Events
Test Administration Changes and Reminders Revisions posted on the TEA website December 12, 2014
Test Administration STAAR Alternate 2 testing window expanded –February 9-27, 2015 TAKS offered only in October, March and July and ONLY online Grades 5 and 8 math not offered in March Administration of STAAR grades 5 and 8 math moved to Monday, April 20, 2015 Report dates have shifted to May 22, including report dates for grades 5 and 8 math STAAR grades 5 and 8 reading scheduled for Tuesday June 23, 2015 Changes and Reminders
Test Administration STAAR Alternate 2 Order additional materials: 2/20/2015 Testing window: 2/9 – 2/27 STAAR grades 5 and 8 mathematics Testing date: 4/20/2015 Report dates All 5/20/15 dates shifted to 5/22/15 Calendar of Events Corrections (DCCM – pg O-16)
Test Administration Posted for review Comment period ends January 30, 2015 Provide feedback: Moving the Science/Social Studies (grades 5 and 8) to May Calendar
Test Administration Administration Dates Monday, March 30 Grade 4 and 7 writing (day 1) English I Tuesday, March 31 Grade 4 and 7 writing (day 2) Grades 5 and 8 reading Wednesday, April 1 English II March 2015 STAAR Assessments
o Answer documents for grades 5 and 8 reading o Printed prior to the decision to shift the test administration date for grades 5 and 8 mathematics o Labeled “March 2015 Mathematics and Reading” o Contain sections for both mathematics and reading Make sure students mark their responses to the reading questions on the reading portion of the answer document. Test Administration
March 2015 STAAR Assessments o Answer documents for grades 5 and 8 reading o Students should not mark any answers to the reading questions in the math sections. o Leave the SCORE CODE and TEST TAKEN INFO for math blank. Test Administration
Test Booklets for grades 5 and 8 Include reading only Answer Document Packing Lists (ADPL’s) Will not change Enter the number of answer documents being returned for scoring for each grade level March 2015 STAAR Assessments
Test Administration Administration Dates Monday, April 20 Grades 5 and 8 mathematics Tuesday, April 21 Grades 3, 4, 6 and 7 mathematics Grade 8 social studies Wednesday, April 22 Grades 3, 4, 6 and 7 reading Grades 5 and 8 science April 2015 STAAR Assessments
Test Administration Answer Documents District receives two sets of precoded answer documents for students in grades 5 and 8 One set for the administration of grade 5 or 8 math One set for the administration of grade 5 science or grade 8 social studies and science Both sets of answer documents precoded with the same student data Required to make updates to data on both answer documents April 2015 STAAR Assessments
Test Administration Answer Documents for 5 and 8 math Same form as the March 2015 answer documents Labeled “ March 2015 Mathematics and Reading” Contain sections for both math and reading Make sure students mark their responses to the math questions on the math portion of the answer document. April 2015 STAAR Assessments
Test Administration Answer Documents for 5 and 8 math Students should not mark any answers to the math questions in the reading section. Leave the SCORE CODE and TEST TAKEN INFO for reading blank. April 2015 STAAR Assessments
Test Administration Test Booklets for grades 5 and 8 Districts will receive two sets of test booklets One set will contain math only Other set will contain grade 5 science or grade 8 social studies and science Answer Document Packing Lists (ADPL’s) ADPLs will not change Add all answer documents together by grade (e.g., total of grade 5 math and grade 5 science) and record on ADPL by grade April 2015 STAAR Assessments
Test Administration March grade 5 and 8 reading Online reports will be available by April 15, 2015 Grades 3- 8 mathematics Only raw score information will be reported (e. g., 33/50) Updated reports with scale scores and pass/fail information will be sent in early September Reports for March and April Administrations
Test Administration Highlights of the 2015 DCCM Only 3 sections: STAAR STAAR Alternate 2 TELPAS Covers activities that run from January through December 2015 administrations Keep for the entire 2015 calendar year STAAR A information incorporated into text as appropriate New separate section for STAAR Alternate 2
Test Administration STAAR calculator policy reflects changes in grade math assessments Added appendices that detail answer document score code information and oral/signed administrations STAAR A does not have a separate section of instructions STAAR A and standardized oral administration (SOA) added where applicable Highlights of the 2015 DCCM
Test Administration STAAR Alternate 2 STAAR Alternate 2 section for the CTC added Contains its own section on security Materials control form included for TA to preview testing materials ( DCCM pg. SA-19 ) Highlights of the 2015 DCCM Record test booklets and test administrator manuals on two separate lines May need to add extra days or print duplicate copies
Test Administration Will be posted online early February 2015 Due in districts by February 20, 2015 Will only be shipped once Keep for the entire year! 2015 STAAR Test Administrator Manuals