Writing a Research Proposal
Need of Proposal Term Paper, Capstone Project, Thesis, etc. External or Internal Funding Solicited Unsolicited Others
Components of a Proposal Title Page Abstract Table of Contents Introduction Research Approach Anticipated Research Results Qualifications/Accomplishments of Research Team Equipment and Facilities Summary of Hours By Task Itemized Budget Appendices/References
Title Page For external projects, funding agencies specify the format Title page should include Project title Personnel names and affiliations Proposal date Course term/semester or research period More, depending upon the nature of the project
Abstract An abstract should include Problem statement Expected solution Methodology Resources and funding requirements An abstract gives a preliminary impression of the proposal. An abstract should be comprehensive and at the same time concise.
Table of Contents Should always include for reviewer’s convenience Should include all major parts of the proposal including abstract Some funding agencies require list of figures and tables also, which should be included after table of contents
Introduction Introduction should include General overview/background of the problem being addressed Statement and description of what is being proposed Research approach Scientific importance of the solution
Background/Literature Review Literature review should Describe what has already been accomplished Be relevant and critical Give a clear understanding to the reviewer that the proposed research hasn’t been accomplished yet
Methodology Most important section of the proposal Reviewers will be most critical of this section Research to be accomplished should be realistic according to the resources available and schedule proposed. Explicitly present the research question or hypothesis and assumptions of the research Explain clearly how and what methods will be used for data collection and analysis.
Qualifications/Accomplishments of Research Team This section should include Biographies of project personnel, especially including prior research in the proposed area of research Any student participation Information on additional personnel (For example, post docs) that need to be hired for the project
Equipment and Facilities This section should include Information on resources such as, computers, software, and lab facilities already available within the institution Additional resources required to accomplish the research that may need to be bought or rented
Summary of Hours by Task Normally in the form of a table The table should include Team members’ names Each member’s role in the study Amount of effort by each member Each member’s number of hours by task
Itemized Budget Funded projects only Funding agencies normally provide the format Clear justification for different items should be included Personnel, overhead, equipment, and administrative costs should be included
References Relevant references should be included Style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) depends upon discipline or funding agency if funded Publications by research term in the proposed area of research should be included