Marriage, Parenthood, and Families


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Presentation transcript:

Marriage, Parenthood, and Families Chapter 17 Marriage, Parenthood, and Families

Family Counseling A way to help family members get perspective and work to resolve problems in a positive way

Nuclear Family The most traditional family structure

Extended Family The people who are outside the nuclear family but are related to the nuclear family and live under the same roof.

Sibling A family structure in which relatives such as aunts or uncles join with the core family group

Discipline A way to help a child learn limits and mature into a happy secure person

Emotional Maturity The capacity to act independently, responsibly, and unselfishly

Marriage Lifelong union between a husband and a wife who develop an intimate relationship

Parental Responsibility The duty of a parent to provide for the physical, financial, mental, and emotional needs of a child.

Divorce Legal end of a marriage

Emotional Intimacy The state of being emotionally connected to another person

Marriage The best reason for two people to get married is because they love and respect each other.

Marriage A successful marriage depends on the partners being emotionally secure

Good Parenting The most important key to being a good parent is being emotionally mature

Divorce Usually in a divorce there are several factors contribute Such as:

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