Getting it right for e ery child  ‘How do we get it right for every child looked after at home?’ Mike Mawby Implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

getting it right for e ery child  ‘How do we get it right for every child looked after at home?’ Mike Mawby Implementation Advisor Scottish Government GIRFEC Team

getting it right for e ery child  Each individual practitioner must accept accountability for their own practice. They have a job to do and cannot put their trust in what might follow by others to justify their own actions or inactions Lord Laming – The Victoria Climbié Inquiry

getting it right for e ery child 

getting it right for e ery child  Everyone’s responsibility to ask: 1.What is getting in the way of this child or young person’s well-being? 2.Do I have all the information I need to help this child or young person? 3.What can I do now to help this child or young person? 4.What can my organisation do to help this child or young person? 5.What additional help, if any, may be needed from others?

getting it right for e ery child 

getting it right for e ery child 

getting it right for e ery child  Protective environment Adversity Vulnerability Resilience Factors in the child’s environment acting as buffers to the negative effects of adverse experience Characteristics of the child, the family circle and wider community which might threaten or challenge healthy development Characteristics that enhance normal development under difficult conditions Life events or circumstances posing a threat to healthy development

getting it right for e ery child  The National Practice Model

getting it right for e ery child 

getting it right for e ery child  It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure I am alright …… “It is everyone’s job to promote the safety and wellbeing of children. Every agency, manager and practitioner that works with children or their families, including services that work primarily with adults, takes responsibility for their contribution to the safety and wellbeing of children, and for responding to any request for help.” Boyd McAdam, Head of Better Life Chances Unit, Scottish Government

getting it right for e ery child  Contact #bestplacetogrowup People/Young-People/gettingitright