Our Children Our Communities Our Future From May to June 2015 our school is collecting information about children’s development.
Our Children Our Communities Our Future For every child in Transition, their teacher will record information about these things.
Our Children Our Communities Our Future This information is collected about all children starting school across Australia Information about children will be kept on a private and secure site and then available on the AEDC website in mid
Our Children Our Communities Our Future Information about children will be grouped together so no will see the information about your child. Information is collected about individual children But only presented about groups of children only
Our Children Our Communities Our Future The AEDC information will help early childhood services, schools, and communities understand what children need to do well at school.
Our Children Our Communities Our Future It will help show what we are doing well for children before they start school and what we can improve.
Our Children Our Communities Our Future The AEDC is not about testing children. It is about understanding what will help them do well at school and in life. Collecting this information is voluntary. Please let the school know if you don’t want your child to participate.