Story about Child Labour By Charles Camarce, Nathaniel Mcmurchie, Mathew Wong and Heesoo Hwang
Video of child labour
Causes of child labour Poverty, just because Iran as rich natural resources, that doesn’t mean the people there are wealth. Kids go do child labor just to support their family by getting money just to buy food. Street children, some children are forced to live on the streets to support themselves because their parents are drug-users. Because of this their parents are unemployed which yet again; child labor comes in because the family need money.
Child Labours in Iran (facts) 1. Poverty, just because Iran as rich natural resources, that doesn’t mean the people there are wealth. Kids go do child labor just to support their family by getting money just to buy food. Street children, some children are forced to live on the streets to support themselves because their parents are drug-users. Because of this their parents are unemployed which yet again; child labor comes in because the family need money. Carpet factories, children are being sell to these carpet factories and they work over 6 AM to 7 PM and they only make less than 20 cents a day. Laws, there are laws that do not enforced or include exemptions that allow the child labor to certain towns or city. Some even allow child labor to happen just make a quick few bucks. Unemployment levels, some children go to child labor because of unemployment levels are so high that more that 1-4 of the world’s people are extremely poor International trade issues, did you know that U.S.A is apart of child labor too, US citizens are linked to the international problem because through the trade rlationaships in other countries. It is well-documented that some of the mined, goods produce are export to the United States involve the use of child labor or sometimes forced.
2. There are some industries that children work 2. There are some industries that children work. Some of them are very dangerous like mining or rug factories. Since technology was coming in and there was no safety leavers or something like that and if a machine was broken, they will send children into these machines and fix them. Kids are being sold in the sex industry where their owners get USD $15-20.
Child Labour in THE WORLD Child labor today 59% agricultural,(agricultural hunting, forestry and fishing) 2%other, 7% domestic work, 7% industry, (mining, manufacturing, construction, public utilities) 25% services (whole sale and retail trade, restaurants, hotels, transport, storage and finance etc...) Working conditions Hazardous conditions (i.e.) in agricultural children use chemicals pesticides and dangerous equipment # of children working in child labor and regions Asia- 127.3M Africa-48M Latin America-17.4M Middle east- 2.5M
Similarities Between world and the Industrial Revolution Child labor Agricultural, services, factories/industry, assembly operations. Working conditions Both have extremely hazardous working conditions Countries Developing countries.
Child Labour in the Industrial Revolution Child labor then Mines, factories, agricultural, services (i.e.) newsies assembly operations Working conditions Children had low wages. Worked long hour shifts up to 12-16 hours 6days/week No paid holidays, vacation time or sick leave. Poor ventilation loud machinery poor lighting no safety device on machinery. Many of the workers became deaf, blind, lost limbs, developed black lung, and were beaten. If you were injured on the job you received no compensation. England. countries England, Scotland and spread to the rest of western Europe and united
Solutions to child labour 1-increased family income. 2- Education - it helps children learn skills and it will help them to earn money. 3-Good social service-that will help poor families to survive in disease loss of home and shelter. 4-Family control of fertility- it will help children to savework. (If you do not understand: so that families are not burdened by children)
Story of Child Labour Story of Iran Child Labour Though a half the century and our early century has passed since Declaration of the child, The situation for the children's labour, this situation for the children of Iran has reached an unprecedented low and poor. Though Iran is sitting on one of the worlds second largest oil reserves, due to a unfairness to children, fundamentally corrupt political and socio-economic system of government and laws, it fails/failed to provide the most essential needs of children. Some had to serve the army at age 8-14.
Problem of child labour in Iran Because quantitative data on the phenomenon of child labor are difficult to obtain and unreliable, we refer the reader to the qualitative data collected by child rights activist in Iran
Ages 5-11: At least one hour of economic work or 28 hours of domestic work per week. Ages 12-14: At least 14 hours of economic work or 28 hours of domestic work per week Ages 15- 17: At least 43 hours of economic or domestic work per week. A lot of kids made it one 58 million children age 5 to 17 are engaged in child labour - one in six children in the world. In dangerous, hazardous things and other bad labour that they are doing. It is very dangerous for younger kids in labour and they should be in school & learning and the only problem is some can't afford to pay their schools stuff. They should give freedom and make them have enough money to go to school.
Citations “"Child Labour." The Voices of Children in Iran. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. <>. IRAN-IRAN: Focus on Child Labour." IRINnews. 30 May 2004. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. < labour>. "Stop Child Labour." HubPages. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. <>.