+ Classroom Expectations & Procedures Mr. Chavez Speech Fall 2014-F205
+ Foreword I am here to teach; you are here to learn. I will do my job; you will do yours and together, we will use this time wisely. Positive attitude is the key to success, lets keep it at all times.
+ Classroom Rules Be on time and prepared to WORK Stay focused and on task the entire period. Everybody participates, everybody Learns. Respect yourself, your classmates and their opinions.
+ Consequences Verbal/Visual warning. One-on- one conference. Phone call to parent(s)/guardian(s). Face to face conference with parent(s)/guardian(s), student and administrator.
+ Materials Needed Folder w/paper Pen and pencil 3X5 Flash Cards
+ Daily Routines Do Now: this is your warm up. 3-5 minute writing activity at the beginning of class. You are to write in complete sentences unless otherwise noted. Completed independently & QUIETLY unless otherwise noted. Instructions for the Do Now will be written on the whiteboard. Keep your Do Now’s separate from your other classwork.
+ Things to know: Keep all of your work as they will serve as study guides for your tests/quizzes. Late work is due NO LATER than 1 week after I have collected the assignment(s). You are allowed to retake quizzes/tests if you score below 70% on that particular quiz/test. Only 1 make-up per quiz/test. Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an: ‘F’ for that assignment, phone call home and meeting with counselor/administrator.
+ Things to Know As a result of completing this course, you will be able to present an well-organized, content-driven speech of ten minutes. In addition, you will be able to : identify and critically analyze the use of propaganda, arguments, and rhetorical techniques. Assessment is by the way of activities, an examination, and presentations.
+ Things to Know: Accommodations: Students with special needs, please, advise me at the beginning of the course as to any accommodations we can effect to make you comfortable in class. Since communication is a skill combining thinking, listening, and speaking, it is of the utmost importance that handwritten notes on lectures and speeches are carefully taken throughout the semester. Do not interrupt this process by conversing or disrupting the class.