BAF3M (Grade 11 Accounting) Mr. Park
Holonomic Brain Theory Karl Pribram For computers, short term memory is RAM and long term memory is hard drive. (“C” drive or USB) There are three ways we store memories: first in the sensory stage; then in short-term memory; and ultimately, for some memories, in long-term memory. Because there is no need for us to maintain everything in our brain, the different stages of human memory function as a sort of filter that helps to protect us from the flood of information that we're confronted with on a daily basis.brain
Holonomic Brain Theory .
Holonomic Brain Theory Karl Pribram When we learn something new, all of the new concepts stay as a short term memory unless you use this new skill (or method) 14 times. Only when you use the new concept (or skill) 14 times, you will transfer this new information from short term memory to long term memory part of your brain.
Holonomic Brain Theory Karl Pribram The long term memory part can store unlimited amount of information. This is why everyday, after my lesson, you will have to do classwork or homework, which lets you use the new concept (or skill) so that the new concept will be transferred to your long term memory.
Homework policy I will give homework 4 or 5 days a week. I will constantly check your homework. (usually twice a week) I will mention whether you do homework on the report card.
Homework policy My 5 th week report card: “ABC shows a good knowledge of concepts and principles in accounting. He shows limited use of thinking and inquiry skills. He can improve his marks by doing homework everyday. He did homework 6 times out of 12 so far. His classroom behavior has improved recently.”
Check Mr. Park’s website whenever you are absent. You must read and understand the “lesson slide” from previous day before coming to the next class. You must also send me an , explaining why you were absent that day before or after the absence. Otherwise I assume that you skipped. This means that you will get zero on the quiz or test we did on that day. Steps for Success in this class
Attend class everyday. Do not skip any class. Be on time. If you are late 5 minutes or more, you will be sent to the office for late slip. Steps for Success in this class
Pay attention to the teacher. Do your classwork (or homework) 4 or 5 times a week. Ask for help when needed. Review (not study) the course material such as review questions, homework questions and examples I went over during class before quiz, test or exam. Steps for Success in this class
Balance Sheet Income Statement Ledger Journal and Source Document Posting Trial Balance Accounting Cycle Depreciation Topics we cover in this class:
How many of you are planning to run your own business in the future? How many of you did not take the Intro Business course? How many of you are taking this class because of SHSM requirement? In this class, we will do 1 group presentation, assignments, 4 unit tests, quiz, summative and final exam. Hang tight! Almost done
Let’s go over course outline. Let’s go over classroom expectations tomorrow. Let’s do “Getting to know you” handout. Hang tight! Almost done
Which of the following statements are correct? You have only one chance. 1. Mr. Park is an easy marker. 2. Mr. Park used to be an accountant. 3. Mr. Park has two sons: 8 years old boy and 6 year old boy. 4. Mr. Park allows you to bring cheat-sheet if you do all the classwork 5. Mr. Park will deduct 10% of your mark, if you hand in assignment one day after the deadline. 6. Mr. Park plays soccer at least once a week. 7. This course is easy. 8. Mr. Park coaches Junior Soccer team in spring season. 9. Mr. Park gives you 1% bonus mark on unit tests, if you do all of the classworks. (homework)
A nswer: 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9 Can you fill out the “Getting to know you” sheet? End of first day