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MyCanadianCommunicationLab Features Features to help you achieve success in this course: Integrated and annotated video clips to help fine-tune your communication skills Complete eText with icons linking to multimedia resources Interactive activities such as exercises and practice tests Customized study plan generated from chapter pre-tests and post-tests that identifies weak areas to help you focus your attention where you need it most MySerachLab to help you start a research assignment or research your speeches
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Login Step 1 1. Go to 2. Select Students under Register or Buy Access
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Login Step 2 1. Select I already have an access code 2. Select how you purchased your access code
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Login Step 3 Select the textbook being used in your course.
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Login Step 4 Review the privacy policy and click I Accept if you agree
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Login Step 5 Create your Username and Password and enter your Access Code. If you already have an existing Pearson account, enter in your existing Login.
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Login Step 6 Enter in your Personal Information
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Logging in Again 1. Return to 2. Select Log In under ‘Returning Users’ 3. Enter the username and password you just created
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Course ID You will automatically be enrolled into Self-Study. If your instructor gives you a Course ID, click on Enroll in a Course and enter your Course ID.
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Registration Help If you experience trouble registering or logging in, please contact Customer Technical Support at /7 availability Chat: 24/7 availability Did you know? Over 80% of questions we receive through Tech Support can be answered by searching our site through the Knowledge Base. Try a search before contacting us! Contact your instructor only after you have received an INCIDENT NUMBER from Customer Technical Support. Your instructor will escalate it to the local Pearson representative if you require more assistance
MyCanadianCommunicationLab Help Additional student support available at
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