Multi-Family Development Trends in Delaware David L. Edgell, AICP Principal Planner
Primer: Demographics and Market Trends Population Trends Boomers and Millennials Economy Rise of the Renter
Demographic shifts are coming
Changing Preferences?
Demographic Shifts Delaware’s Projected Total Population Growth by Age Apartments and Condos Entry –Level, Townhomes First time Homebuyers Down-sizing, Luxury Townhomes And Condos; Smaller lot SF; Luxury Single family TND and cluster – seeking safe community Senior Living Move up Buyers; Large lot SFD Delaware Population Consortium Population Projections by Single Year and 5-Year Age Cohorts. October 28, 2010, Version
Houston, we have a problem... We don’t have enough small lot, attached housing to meet the demand in 2020 – 12 million unit undersupply of attached housing – 13.5 million unit undersupply of small lot housing
Houston, we have a problem... It is projected that there will be a need for 9 to 12 million more rental units by 2020, too.
Rise of the Renters
Building Permits Residential Units by Building Permit Statewide 2008 – ,321 SF (77%) 5,765 MF (23%) 25,086 total Source: Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination Development Trends Data
Building Permits Ratio of Single Family to Multi Family By Building Permit - Statewide 2008 – 2013 Source: Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination Development Trends Data
PLUS – Preliminary Land Use Service Residential Units Reviewed through PLUS Statewide 2008 – 2014 YTD 17,305 SF (59%) 11,870 MF (40%) 29,175 total Source: Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination PLUS database
Woodside Village Example PLUS Project PLUS Unit Apartment Complex Adjacent to 55+ manufactured home community and shopping center with supermarket In Kent County near Cheswold
Rockwood Parcel 1A Example PLUS Project PLUS Unit Apartment Complex Adjacent to existing apartment complex and elementary school In New Castle County, near Bear
Comprehensive Plans Goals 1. To create a desirable and healthful environment in which to live and work, for both children and adults. 2. To provide a coordinated land use pattern that will establish individual uses by neighborhood district or area. Such a pattern will prevent the indiscriminate mixture of land uses in the same area, and would protect existing property values. 3. To preserve the quiet atmosphere that presently characterizes the Town. 4. To preserve historical and agricultural lands, while directing new development to more appropriate areas. 5. To take measures to preserve and improve the present quality of housing in Felton and to prevent the emergence of blighted areas in the future. 6. To provide adequate community facilities, public utilities, and public safety services to meet present and future needs. 7. To encourage citizen participation on the preparation and adoption of the Felton Comprehensive Development plan. Primary Objectives 1. To improve and preserve the present water, sewer, and street system to serve the present and anticipated future population. 2. To continue to provide adequate fire and police protection to all areas of the Town. 3. To adopt any new codes or ordinances that might be needed in order to implement the Comprehensive Development Plan as it is amended in the future. 4. To administer the revised Planning and Zoning Ordinance in the interest of the Town, its residents, and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
Comprehensive Plans High Density Residential The land use plan locates high density residential areas in several areas adjacent to existing multi-family development and throughout the community as a part of the growth concept. High-density residential development consists primarily of single family attached and multi-family housing types and of mixed-use structures with dwellings above and/or behind ground floor retail or office uses, especially in the historic core of the community. The average overall density anticipated for high density residential areas is about twelve units per acre within a range from six to twenty dwelling units per gross acre.
Comprehensive Plans Assumptions: Downtown Dover 1. Downtown Dover is the traditional and symbolic center of the community and is vitally important to the overall image and identity of the City. 2. As the State complex and other businesses and services make Downtown the largest area of employment in the City, Downtown Dover is vital to the economy. It is important to preserve the area as a safe, convenient and aesthetically pleasing environment. 3. Downtown provides a unique residential environment near commercial, cultural, education and employment resources. There is a wide variety of housing types Downtown. 4. Downtown provides a unique and affordable commercial environment where locally owned businesses reflect the small town nature of the community. 5. The age of the buildings and infrastructure in the downtown area requires special attention and incentives to assist in continual use and revitalization activities. 6. Downtown lacks the vibrancy of years gone by, and revitalization will hinge on mixed land uses and developing a commercial niche. Goal: Downtown Dover Enhance the role of Downtown Dover as a major employment, residential and commercial center as well as the symbolic and cultural heart of the community, and recognize its unique heritage and historic resources. Provide for mixed use development allowing greatest variation of uses.
Downtown Development Districts