July 23, 2003 CSI 121 Structured Programming Language Introductory Lecture Sabbir Muhammad Saleh Lecturer Department of CSE University of South Asia
People Involved Lecturer July 23, 2003 People Involved Lecturer Sabbir Muhammad Saleh saleh.sabbir.aiub@gmail.com Website: http://sabbirsaleh.weebly.com/
Overview Computer Systems Simple Boolean Algebra Algorithms July 23, 2003 Overview Computer Systems Simple Boolean Algebra Algorithms Control Structures Data Structures Structured Programming: C Numerical Computing Software Engineering Principles Testing, Debugging & Documentation
Course Materials Introductory Notes Lecture Notes Practicals (Lab) Notes Tutorial Exercise Sheets http://sabbirsaleh.weebly.com/structure-programming-language.html
Textbooks Prescribed: Recommended: July 23, 2003 Textbooks Prescribed: Herbert Schildt, Teach Yourself C Recommended: Deitel & Deitel, C How to Program, Prentice Hall 1994 (2nd edition) Brookshear, J.G., Computer Science: An Overview, Benjamin-Cummings 2000 (6th edition) Kernighan & Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference C References listed in the Introductory Notes
Timetable Synopsis Lectures Practical/Labs/Sessional July 23, 2003 Timetable Synopsis Lectures Tuesday 05:00pm to 06:30pm (1003) Thursday 05:00pm to 06:30pm (1003) Practical/Labs/Sessional Once/week (1 Hour) Tuesday 04:00pm to 05:00pm (1007)- DAY Thursday 07:00pm to 08:00pm (1007)- EVE
Software used in Pracs Compiler: CodeBlocks 10.05 Website: www.codeblocks.org
Missed Pracs and Theory If you miss a Theory or Sessional, you will be marked ABSENT, unless... You attend another sessional class the same week (with the approval of the Lecturer) You email saleh.sabbir.aiub@gmail.com : NAME: ID NUMBER: DATE OF REPLACEMENT Sessional: REGULAR Sessional: (time and room) REPLACEMENT Sessional: (time and room)
Missed Pracs and Theory (cont.) If you had an illness or emergency, then If you Obtain Medical Certificate or Police Accident Report Write an Application Submit the application and documentation to the CSE Coordinator Office Then Your mark will be changed from ABSENT to SICK
Assessment Mid Exam: 30% Final exam: 40% Attendance: 10% July 23, 2003 Assessment Mid Exam: 30% Final exam: 40% Attendance: 10% Class Tests/ Quizzes : 10% 3 (best 2 will be counted) Assignments: 20% 6 (submit through USB flash drive to Lecturer) Programming Sessional Class Assessment: 50% Includes an individual project (independent work)
Marks To pass CSI 121 Your marks must average to at least 40
Student Responsibilities regarding Lectures July 23, 2003 Student Responsibilities regarding Lectures Minimize noise Do not talk in lectures Do not pack up early Minimize distractions Don’t seek permission if you arrive late Turn off your mobile phone [at least SILENT] Lecture attendance Catch up on missed lectures Bring ID card, and produce when required
How is Uni different from school? July 23, 2003 How is Uni different from school? Studying is your responsibility You are in charge of lecture, prac and tutorial attendance handing in assignments checking whether your marks have been recorded Lecturers are not “teachers” Lecturers do teaching, research and admin
Getting Help -- Computer Science Subjects Course Coordinator: Sabbir Muhammad Saleh Online Contact: Fill up the contact form here http://sabbirsaleh.weebly.com/contact-me.html For contact details, go to CSE Office