Rotational Business Building Plan By Field Vice President Andy Docos
This is an outline for an ongoing schedule of business building team meetings and activities designed to foster continuous growth. This plan incorporates PRODUCTIVE & SYSTEMATIC ACTIVITIES that have generated growth for all business owners that have participated. Everyone’s business will grow provided the activities are implemented on a CONSISTENT basis and if the team works together with as many people participating as possible.
Cycle of Events Monthly Team Coring Meetings Names List Night Call Nights Home Business Presentations
Monthly Team Coring Meeting Frequency: Every 4 to 6 weeks Either a Friday or Saturday evening Time 6 to 7 PM Social Gathering: everyone bring a dish to pass 7 to 9 PM Business Coring Activities Monthly meeting activity - details to be scheduled at the beginning of the meeting
Names List Night Frequency: Monthly Either a on Sunday or Monday evening Time: 7 to 9 PM Bring your Names List of 60—100 names [update weekly with new prospect names]. Your list should include occupation, phone numbers and addresses [if possible] Bring “Bio” Sheets to complete at each meeting of your Top Ten Plus Ten Prospects. [to be used to determine the best approach for each prospect]. Attendees will break up in teams of 3’s. Each person gets 20 minutes to go over their list. Practice making pre-calls. During the week, make calls.
Call Nights Frequency: Weekly Either on Sunday or Monday evening Time: 6 to 9 PM Bring “Bio” Sheets completed at the Names List Night Be prepared to make calls! Purpose of these nights is to populate UBPs, HBPs, 2 on 1 presentations etc., and to set appointments!
HBPs Frequency: Weekly 3 weeks per month Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday Rotate the week that has an HBP and a UBP [when there are 2 UBPs per month, attend one]
HBPs Time: 7:30 to 9 PM Locations should rotate. All participants must volunteer to host the various events at one time or another whenever possible. This is to avoid putting the responsibility on only a few people. By moving the HBPs we will also be implementing aspects of the ABC Pattern and moving prospects from event to event. Keep snacks simple: Extend bars, store bought items, coffee, tea, water.
Cycle of Events Monthly Team Coring Meetings 1 time every 4 to 6 weeks from 6 to 9 PM Names List Night 1 time per Month from 7 to 9 PM Call Nights Weekly from 6 to 9 PM Home Business Presentations 3 times per Month from 7:30 to 9 PM