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Presentation transcript:


ROADMAP Questions/Problems Draft 1.1 Synthesis Brief Assignment 4 Class Group activity

QUESTIONS/PROBLEMS Any problems you found during your Lit Review? Most of you should have gotten your first reads back A good chunk also have their final grade

LITERATURE REVIEW Please come talk to me in my office hours or set up an appointment to talk about your 1.1 draft if you have questions The biggest problems I saw: Not doing synthesis/too much summary Some summary/context is good Only talking about one article per paragraph Not using scholarly, academic journal articles You need to ask questions if you are confused You can definitely make major improvements for the 1.2 draft

USE YOUR TEXTBOOK This was on last week’s PowerPoint, but please use the textbook and St. Martin’s ehandbook You have assigned readings every week on RaiderWriter Don’t make me start making reading quizzes

SYNTHESIS This is the most important part of your lit review Think back to BA2 and the T-Swift and Jay-Z exercise How do your articles connect? Do they agree/disagree? Similar/Different? Example: Smith believes ________________ (Smith 210). In a similar article, Labriola agrees with the ideas of Smith because _____________. Labriola also goes on to say ________ (Labriola 45). Together, these articles focus on the problem of _______________. However, in Brown’s article, he disagrees with Labriola and Smith. Brown’s research focuses on ____________________ (Brown 492).

BRIEF ASSIGNMENT 4 (SENTENCE-LEVEL REVISION) Objective: To practice revising the structure and language of your literature review Purpose: After you have written several drafts of an essay, one of the final steps of revision prior to a last proofreading is to look closely at the sentence structure and language you have used to argue on behalf of your claim. This assignment enables you to practice these revisions on a single paragraph before working through the rest of your draft in the same way. Description: To complete this assignment, use the guidelines in Chapter 6 of First-Year Writing and Chapters of The St. Martin's Handbook to revise one substantial body paragraph (i.e. between 6 – 8 sentences in length) from your 1.1 draft. Please be sure to use a paragraph from the most recently revised version of your 1.1 draft for this assignment. Consider matters of organization, language, word choice, and grammar and mechanics as you revise. You will need to make significant revisions to your original paragraph. Include both the original and the revised paragraphs. You will also need to include 1) a statement of your thesis, so that your instructor knows the context in which these paragraphs were written, and 2) a paragraph evaluating the revisions you have made and their impact on the audience, purpose, and meaning of your draft as a whole. After completing your revisions, be sure to integrate your new paragraph into your working 1.2 draft.

BRIEF ASSIGNMENT 4 (CONT) This is how you can format this assignment: Statement of your thesis (This way, the grader has some context as to what your topic is) Original Paragraph: Copy and paste original paragraph Revised Paragraph: Write revised version of the paragraph Evaluation: Paragraph evaluating the revisions you have made and their impact on the audience, purpose, and meaning of your draft as a whole

GROUP ACTIVITY Take out the body paragraph you brought to class today Before getting into groups, write down your topic/thesis on your paragraph This way those who are reading it know the context Break up into groups of 2-3 Give feedback on their body paragraphs What did they do well? What can they improve upon? (Synthesis? Connecting articles?)

QUESTIONS? BA4? Synthesis? Anything?

HOMEWORK DUE FOR 3/9 Bring in an introduction AND another body paragraph to class We will do another peer review workshop By then, you’ll have an introduction, and two body paragraphs with comments for the 1.2 draft