Fixture 10: Pass It On
Warm up game HEAD/CATCH GAME If I say ‘HEAD IT’, you need to catch it! If I say ‘CATCH IT’, you need to head it! How long can you last in my opposite world?
Pass It On Lots of Year 5 children have been asking if they can take part in our Reading Stars Group, but so far it has been exclusively for us. Now it is time to share our love of reading with the rest of the school. HOW?
Sharing our reading secrets How can we spread our love of reading through football? What would motivate lower school/upper school to read for fun? How could we choose our next Reading Stars group?
Reading Ambassadors We would like you to be Reading Ambassadors for our school. We would like you to promote reading around the school. But how are you going to do this?
Ideas Feedback What did your group think?
Possible Ideas Make a promotional video for reading for the school website. Take photos of the reading stars reading their favourite books and display. Design and carry out a reading survey. Become reading buddies assembly presentation to promote reading. Design bookmarks for the school. Create a reading awards ceremony. Organise a school book swap. Create book bands for some of our recommended reads. Set up a reading stars club.
Online challenge Who has completed an online challenge this week? Which team challenge did you take? How many challenges do you have left to do? Will you complete them all by the end of our sessions?
Training Logs Who completed their training logs this week? Trophy stickers How full is your trophy cabinet? Complete questionnaire.
Challenge Poster Who has finished a book this week? Which team is the winner?