Electric Distribution Reliability OIR R Workshop May , 2015
2 Presentation Outline 1.Historical Reliability Performance 2.Outage Review Team (ORT) 3.Reliability Programs 4.Targeted (Worst Performing) Circuits 5.Customer Impact
3 Historical T&D Reliability Performance
4 Outage Reviews
5 Utility Operations (UO) Standard S2010 is the “Electric System Outage Review Process”. The purpose of the standard is to: Ensure that outage reviews are implemented in an efficient, consistent, and timely manner. Establish unplanned outage review requirements and procedures for all outages. Identify possible best practices or enhancements to the transmission and distribution systems that would reduce the incidence and duration of future outages. Prioritize and monitor equipment requiring repair. Utility Operations Standard S2010: Description
6 The Outage Review Team (ORT) is responsible for implementing Utility Operations Standard S2010. Responsibilities include the following: Ensure that all outages are reviewed. Document and assign action items associated with the outage review. Action item examples are field investigations, coordination studies, reliability projects, and maintenance. Ensure that all action items are tracked until completion. Prioritize and monitor equipment requiring repair. Utility Operations Standard S2010: Implementation
7 The Distribution Outage Review Team is comprised of the following members: Area Region Director Maintenance & Construction Superintendent Troubleman Supervisor (Restoration) Supervising Distribution Engineer (Planning) Distribution Reliability Engineer (Planning) Operating Supervisor (Control Center) Vegetation Management Substation Maintenance & Construction Superintendent Sales and Services Manager/Supervisor Area Reliability Engineer (Reliability) Each team member has a defined role and responsibility. Utility Operations Standard S2010: ORT Representatives
8 Utility Operations Standard S2010: Workflow Layout ILIS
9 Daily Reliability Scorecard Example
10 Daily Incident Logging Information System (ILIS) - Report Example
11 Utility Operations Standard S2010: Outage Review Trigger Outage Cause Investigation Trigger Levels: Any outage that meets trigger level must be thoroughly investigated. The outage investigation can range from a detailed study by the Outage Review Team up to a zone patrol and/or infrared patrol. The extent of the investigation will be determined by the Outage Review Team. Each outage cause investigation will be recorded as an action item and must be reported at the subsequent Outage Review Team meetings by the designated lead until the item has been completed.
12 Putah Creek Sub Putah Creek 1105 Fuse 2777 Putah Creek 1105 Circuit Layout Outage History for Fuse 2777 identified multiple interruptions.
13 Fuse 2777 Circuit Layout – Outage Review Team Action Items Fuse 2777 North Region East ORT Review and Action Items: Turkey contact locations Putah Creek 1105
14 Fuse 2777 Reliability Improvement Work Putah Creek 1105Fuse 2777 (refused with 30T) Install 10T fuse (Fuse ) Install 20T fuse Reliability Improvement Work -Outage duration reduction work. Completed 1/2/14. -Equipment and bird outage prevention work. Completed 1/31/14. -Outage impact reduction work, a MWC 49X project. Completed 4/18/14. Install Fault Indicators Reframed Pole Adjusted Slackspan & Installed Birdguards Reframed Pole Replaced Crossarm Adjusted Slackspan
15 Daily ILIS Report Example – Post Work
16 Reliability Programs
17 Reliability Strategy Mission PG&E’s distribution reliability strategy supports the company’s mission of safe, reliable and affordable service. Safety is enhanced from the distribution reliability program by: Reducing wire-down incidents Preventing equipment failures Hardening the mainline – addressing potential risks and driving mitigation efforts. Increasing distribution automation Designing a system resilient to external effects
18 Distribution Reliability Improvement Measure The distribution reliability program’s primary goal is to improve SAIDI with a focus on improving SAIFI. Additional benefits can be realized in Wire-down, and reducing repeat outages. The current strategy includes: 1.Preventing recurring outages by identifying and addressing root causes including: Reviewing on ORT call and at monthly meetings. 2.Limiting the impact of outages when they occur by: Protecting the distribution mainline from tap line outages Hardening the distribution system Installing automatic restoration schemes Effecting design changes to support reliability strategies 3.Enhancing customer communications; address emerging reliability concerns as they occur to minimize customer impact and exposure.
19 Distribution Reliability Improvement Program MWC 08 – Overhead Asset Replacement Program Conductor replacements and switches MWC 49 – Targeted Reliability Programs 49B Line Recloser Controller Upgrades 49C Overhead Fuse Installation Program 49D Line Recloser/Switch Installation Program 49E Targeted (worst performing) Circuits 49F/G Underground Fuse and Interrupter Program 49H/I Overhead /Underground Fault Indicator Program & Line Sensors 49S FLISR Scheme Installation Program 49X Emerging Reactive Work (Outage Review Team action items) MWC 56 – Underground Asset Replacement Program Cable replacement and switches
20 Reliability Maintenance Programs Vegetation Management- systematic and targeted tree trimming / removals. Patrols and Inspections – annual patrols and regular overhead and underground inspections. Line Maintenance – perform corrective maintenance. Pole Maintenance – pole testing and treating Insulator Washing – annual washing program. Infrared Patrols – annual inspections of overhead system.
Targeted Circuit Program
22 Targeted Circuit Program (MAT 49E) Objective Improve customer service reliability of historically poor performing distribution circuits. Prioritization Model Circuits targeted based on high three year historical annual average of mainline Customers Experiencing Sustained Outages (CESO). Hot-Spot circuits that merit accelerated action due to poor performance. Targeted Circuit Program ( ) The program was initiated in 2009 and has since targeted an average of approximately 65 circuits per year. Circuit reliability statistics are updated annually prior to identifying population of circuits targeted for improvements.
23 Targeted Circuit Program (MAT 49E) Targeted Circuit Project Focus: Inspect mainline equipment to identify non-standard equipment requiring replacement or non-compliance issues requiring resolution. Patrol and/or infrared circuit mainline to identify issues requiring resolution. Perform detailed engineering analysis to sectionalize the circuit mainline and to minimize outage duration. Targeted Circuit Work Scope Menu: Repair/replace existing failure-prone non-standard/compliant mainline equipment and conductors. Install new protection devices(fuses, reclosers, interrupters) to isolate circuit branches and deploy fault indicators. Install animal and bird guards, reframe poles that increases phase separation, trim trees, and complete high impact previously identified maintenance tags.
24 Targeted Circuit – Detailed Patrol / Infrared Description A detailed patrol of the circuit mainline is performed to identify issues on the circuit. The goal is to identify anything that could cause an outage. At a minimum, the items that shall be looked at and/or identified are:
25 Targeted Circuit Example – Apple Hill 2102 Apple Hill 2102 Executed as part of the 2012 Targeted Circuit Program. Apple Hill yr Historical Annual CESO Ave = 39,591 (Yrs ) On average, it takes two years to complete construction of a Targeted Circuit project, from initiation to completion. Targeted Circuit Project Goal The goal of the Targeted Circuit Project is to reduce annual CESO by 25%. For Apple Hill 2102, the three yr ( ) historical average annual CESO was 39,591. Year 2014 post construction actual CESO performance was 20,062 representing a 49% reduction.
26 Targeted Circuit Program – CESO Results Line containing year represents the characteristics of the population of circuits that were improved during the year. The second line represents the worst performing circuit of that population.
27 Customer Impact (include six PDF documents saved in folder)
Customer Impact Electric Reliability Our People & Our Work Customer Outreach Specialists: Multidisciplinary Team Approach to develop a local strategy Government Relations, Division Leadership Lead, Media, Project Management Deliver Proactive Trigger Based Outreach Advocate for the Customer Promote Powerline Safety and Electric Reliability Drive Customer Satisfaction Outreach MenuApproximate Timing Pre-Project Letter2-4 weeks prior to project mobilization Open House / Telephone Town Hall1 week prior to project mobilization Employee updates via Currents and Division Leadership Team (DLT) s 2-14 weeks prior to mobilization Neighborhood Canvassing with Door Hangers1 week prior to mobilization Customer Sat Tailboard with CrewDay of project mobilization On-site to answer customer questionsDay of project mobilization Project SignageHang 2-4 weeks prior to mobilization Post-Project Letter1 week after project demobilization Mid-Construction UpdatesAs needed throughout project Customer Satisfaction Survey2-4 weeks after project demobilization Our Goal The goal of the Customer Impact Electric Reliability team is to enhance customers’ experience by providing proactive information during electric reliability projects to assist in safe and efficient project completion. We do this by providing a personalized connection as the liaison between PG&E operations and the community.
29 Engaging Customers PG&E Local Gov’t Customers Earned media and advertising PG&E owned assets Community events Local government outlets Direct to customer
30 Communication Effectiveness Results Measure Overall satisfaction with communications among those who read it Customers who recalled the communications and experienced a planned outage related to the reliability project. 80% 85% 84% 89% Overall satisfaction with Reliability of Service Customers who recalled the communications and experienced a planned outage related to the reliability project. 84% 87% 88% Customers whose opinion of PG&E improved based on the reliability communications 27%28% Customers whose perception of PG&E’s electric service reliability improved based on the reliability communications 28%30% Customers whose level of trust of PG&E improved based on the reliability communications 23%27% Customers who feel much/somewhat safer based on the reliability communications 78%85% Measures customer recall of communications concerning technology upgrades designed to improve electric reliability.