How does a minority group cause social change? Minority influence How does a minority group cause social change?
Learning Objectives To discuss characteristics the minority must possess to cause social change To outline research into minority influence To explain how the minority can become the majority
Last lesson… We saw how a small minority, such as Rosa Parks, caused social change and influenced the majority. How did she do it????
Moscovici (1969) “Calling a blue slide green” Investigated effect of minority influence Similar to Asch’s experiment – actors who posed as participants and purposely gave the wrong answer (BUT – only two actors this time as we are investigating minority influence) Consistent actors – said the slide was green all the time (when it was actually blue!) Inconsistent actors – said the slide was green two thirds of the time Results showed that participants were more likely to agree with minority when they were consistent and said the slide was green all the time. COMPLETE CUT AND STICK TO OUTLINE THIS STUDY IN YOUR BOOKLETS
Behavioural characteristics of the minority – how they influence Consistency – as shown in Moscovici’s experiment – the minority need to remain consistent if they are to change opinion – need to continue/repeat the same view or argument. Commitment – shows the majority just how much it believes in its cause. The minority are willing to do anything (even harm themselves) to show how important their view is. Flexibility – if they appear flexible and compromising, they are likely to be seen as less extreme, and more moderate, cooperative and reasonable. As a result, they will have a better chance of changing majority views
Real-life minority influence How did our examples from last lesson (Rosa Parks, Suffragettes or Martin Luther King) show either consistency, commitment or flexibility in order to cause social change??? For example, the Suffragettes showed flexibility by agreeing to postpone their campaigning to help with the war effort.
How does the minority become the majority and what happens then? Snowball effect Social crypto-amnesia Outline these in your booklets using the hand-outs provided.
Assessment Task 6 – For Monday 2/3/15 Complete in booklets (page 32), finish for homework if don’t in class.
A Level exam tips What are the implications for social change of research into social influence? (6 marks) Define social change. Discuss minority influence by outlining Moscovici’s colour perception experiment. State the characteristics required for a minority to be effective. Explain the snowball effect and social crypto amnesia. Link what you have discussed to real examples of social change.