Transfer of Gramin Dak Sevaks 2.6.5
TRANSFER POLICY FOR GDS A GDS can be transferred from one post/unit to another post/unit in public interest”. Rule 3 A (iv) of GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules 2011, “ 2.6.5
MEANING OF “PUBLIC INTEREST” A GDS who is posted at a distant place on redeployment in the event of abolition of the post. GDS appointed on compassionate grounds and posted at distant place. Woman GDS on her marriage/re-marriage. 2.6.5
MEANING OF “PUBLIC INTEREST” Disease and for medical attendance allowed on production of a valid medical certificate from the Medical officer of Government Hospital. When the GDS looking after the welfare of a physically/mentally handicapped person /dependent requires to move to different places to give support to such physically/mentally challenged person/dependent. 2.6.5
Authority to decide Public Interest Head of the Circle 2.6.5
Authority to decide Public Interest The Regional PMG are not empowered to consider and reject the request. 2.6.5
Authority to decide Public Interest The role of the lower functionary is restricted to receive, verify details and forward such cases with recommendations for consideration to the empowered authority and to convey the decision of the empowered authority. 2.6.5
Transfer from one category to another The existing provisions of Limited Transfer Facility do not restrict transfer from one category to another or amongst various categories of posts irrespective of TRCA slabs. Clarification issued in DG’s letter No.19-10-2004-GDS (part) dated 19th March 2012 2.6.5
PERMISSIBLE NUMBER OF TRANSFER OF GDS A GDS will normally be eligible for only one transfer during the entire career. Exception: Women GDS who availed the transfer facility on the ground of extreme hardship due to disease and or for medical attention/treatment before their marriage, can avail the facility for a second time in the event of their marriage or re-marriage. (DG’s Letter No. 19-10/2004-GDS (part) dated 21/22-07-2010) 2.6.5
TRANSFER ONLY IF FILLING UP IS JUSTIFIED Request for such transfer will be considered against the future vacancies of GDS and that too after examining the possibility of recombination of duties of GDS. 2.6.5
FIXATION OF TRCA ON TRANSFER TRCA of the new post shall be fixed after assessment of the actual workload of the post. Directorate Letter No. 14-11/97-PAP dated 01.10.1987. GDS cannot claim protection to the TRCA of old post. TRCA will be fixed at the minimum of the TRCA of transferred post depending upon the workload of the post. In the case of MD/MC, the workload will be assessed on cycle beat. 2.6.5
FIXATION OF TRCA ON TRANSFER- CONDITIONS The transfer of GDS will be approved only if he is willing for this condition of fixation of TRCA. An undertaking to this effect has to be obtained and kept on record. This condition is provided to prevent the misuse of the transfer facility so that it can be availed only by the GDS who genuinely need it. (DG’s Letter No. 19-10/2004-GDS (part) dated 21/22-07-2010) 2.6.5
EFFECT OF TRANSFER Past service of the GDS will be counted for assessing the eligibility for appearing in departmental examination. GDS will not have any claim to go back to the previous recruitment unit/division. When transfer of a GDS is approved by the competent authority, irrespective of the length of service, he/she will rank junior in the seniority list of the new unit to all the GDS of that unit as on the date of transfer. 2.6.5
EFFECT OF TRANSFER A declaration to the effect that he/she accepts the seniority on transfer in accordance with this should be obtained before a GDS is transferred. (DG’s Letter No. 19-10/2004-GDS (part) dated 21/22-07-2010) 2.6.5
TRANSFER AT THE COST OF GDS Transfer will be at the cost and expenditure of GDS. 2.6.5
RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER OF GDS Request for transfer of the GDS will be confined to transfer within the same circle. No transfer request will be entertained within 3 years of initial recruitment. 2.6.5
NO RESTRICTION FOR TRANSFER BETWEEN WINGS No restriction is prescribed for transfer from one wing to another i.e. RMS to Postal or vice versa. The only requirement is fulfillment of required qualifications and other conditions for limited transfer facility. DG’s letter No. 19-10/2004-GDS (part) dated 10th April 2012 2.6.5
DEFENDING CASES INVOLVING TRANSFER In order to avoid controversies and different stands before the Court of Law in future, prior consultation/approval of the Head of the Circle in each court case is required, before taking stand before the court of Law. 2.6.5
Progress test 1 2.6.5