Statement Showing funds available under NFSM for the year 2014-15 (Rs Statement Showing funds available under NFSM for the year 2014-15 (Rs. in lakhs) SCHEME Allocation for the year 2014-15 Revalidation from unspent balances Additional funds Allocation Total funds Available for the year 2014-15 Total allocation of funds for 2014-15 GOI Releases as on 10.11.2014 Expenditure as up to 10.11.2014 Committed Expenditure as up to 30.11.2014 NFSM-Rice 3294.43 221.8 0.00 3516.23 2415.36 930.96 2451.72 NFSM-Pulses 5646.308 2351.92 7998.23 3646.76 1492.44 3548.46 NFSM-Coarse Cereals 641.67 481.25 12.66 60.24 NFSM-Commercial crops 87.8 87.80 24.00 37.86 59.88 Area increase in Pulses 980.00 Total 9670.208 2573.72 13223.93 10650.20 7547.37 2473.92 6120.3
New initiatives introduced in 2014-15 S. No. Activity Details 1 Red gram sown on rice bunds Area of 15378 ha(Paddy crop of 1ha each) is achieved against targeted area of 8700ha with financial assistance is Rs 1000/ha (Seed Rs 300/-and Rs.700/-for 2sprays) 2 FLDs(Front line demos) Central and North coastal Districts prone to frequent cyclones and heavy rains and considerable loss of production loss due to lodging of paddy. Flood tolerant varieties like Swarna sub-1 and Samba Mahsuri sub-1 are demonstrated in 340ha. Performance compared to local popular varieties is satisfactory. Farmers willing to take up this variety next year. 3 Winnowers The Quality of produce due to inert matter and ill filled grains is not good. Since, the threshing is taken in the field. Winnowers will help in getting physically quality grains 4 Storage Bins Majority of farmers are small and marginal farmers. Department is encouraging to produce own seed by the farmer in his field. Supply of Storage Bins will help proper storage and keeping viability of seed Statement showing SRI Achievements during Kharif 2014 (area in ha) Area under Coverage under Drum Seeder Coverage under SMSRI Coverage under Direct Seeding SRI Total NFSM 2145 812 6730 400 9687 General 19029 20263 191247 16000 246539
Plan of Action for Rabi and Summer Pulse S.N0 REGION Area of Implementation in Ha Remarks 1 North Coastal(Srikakulam,Vizianagaram & Visakapatnam) 5000 Utilization of Rice-fallow during Rabi for Pulse/Oilseeds 2 Central (East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna & Guntur) Exploring possibility of Summer Pulse in Rice-Rice-Pulses sequence 3 Southern(Prakasam & Nellore) & Rayalaseema( Kurnool, Anantapur , Kadapa& Chittor) 1000 Exploring possibility of Summer Pulse in Rice-Pulse- Pulses sequence Exploring possibility of Summer Pulse in Rice-Maize-Pulses sequence Total 11000 Normal Paddy area in Kharif is 16.42 lakh ha and rabi 8.05 lakh ha.Total Rice fallow Pulse in the State is 3.5 lakh ha. 0.8 lakh ha Summer Rice fallow in East and West godavari Districts.0.8 lakh ha will be covered with Summer Pulse, if the harvesting of rabi is before March 2014. There is a potential of 2.7 lakh ha Pulse during rabi in Krishna,Guntur,Vizianagaram and Srikakulam districts. There is scope for further increase of area in parts of Nellore and Prakasam districts also.
Steps taken to implement Cropping System based demonstration S.No Region Regular Practice CSBD 1 North Coastal (Srikakulam,Vizianagaram &Visakapatnam) Rice-Rice fallow Rice-Zero till Maize/Bengal gram-Summer Pulse Rice-Rice fallow Pulse 2 Central (East Godavari,West Godavari, Krishna & Guntur) Rice-Rice-Summer Pulse Rice-Pulse-Summer Pulse Rice-Maize-Summer Pulse 3 Southern (Nellore & Prakasam) Rice-Maize Rice-Pulse-fallow Falllow-Bengalgram Greengram-Bengalgram 4 Rayalaseema (Kurnool, Anantapur, Kadapa & Chittor Redgram-fallow Redgram-Foxtail millet (Korra) Fallow-Bengalgram
Statement Showing District wise area of Coarse Cereals for the last three years (2010-11 to 2012-13) in A.P Area in Ha S.No Name of the District Maize Jowar Bajra Raagi Other Millets Total Coarse grans % of mean to Total 1 SRIKAKULAM 9684 140 928 1408 515 12675 2 VIZIANAGARAM 20237 483 373 2752 1140 24984 5 3 VISAKAHAPATNAM 7073 795 4919 23389 17615 53791 10 4 EAST GODAVARI 8816 205 115 305 261 9702 WEST GODAVARI 48638 82 48720 9 6 KRISHNA 23379 400 23779 7 GUNTUR 78418 17624 1034 92 31 97198 19 8 PRAKASHAM 14644 11738 19788 1101 1566 48837 NELLORE 1141 1200 1005 111 37 3494 CUDDAPAH 1900 11497 4145 153 401 18096 11 KURNOOL 30649 74059 8584 9355 122650 23 12 ANANTHAPUR 25413 14790 1642 2704 1724 46273 13 CHITTOOR 1647 488 2379 7439 2688 14641 Total 271639 133500.0 44910 39457 35334 524840
Issues Crop Issue Possible suggestion Paddy Pulses Coarse Cereals Selection of Districts Instead of Ananthapur, East Godavari (upland) may be included. Encouraging Direct Sowing/Drum Seeding An amount of Rs. 1500/ha for hiring land preparatory equipment under general NFSM. Pulses Encouraging red gram on Rice & Commercial crop on bunds An amount of Rs. 1000/ha as subsidy for seed and PP chemicals under general Pulses. Coarse Cereals Since, the minor millets are grown in small areas all the districts may be included. Other inputs in subsidy Only seed component is given under general distribution, other chemical inputs like micro nutrients, weedicides and PP chemicals may be provided under general Coarse cereals.
Redgram on Rice Bunds bunds Inter cropping of Redgram with Blackgram Inter cropping of Redgram with Maize Redgram on Rice Bunds bunds
Rice average District wise Areas and Yield (2010-11 to 2012-13) S.No Name of the District Rice average District wise Areas in ha (2010-11 to 2012-13) Rice average District wise Productivity in kg/ha (2010-11 to 2012-13) 1 SRIKAKULAM 210704 1773 2 VIZIANAGARAM 127961 2437 3 VISAKAHAPATNAM 111146 1564 4 EAST GODAVARI 382893 3141 5 WEST GODAVARI 414269 3305 6 KRISHNA 297300 3460 7 GUNTUR 268443 3298 8 PRAKASHAM 109020 3529 9 NELLORE 258901 3950 10 CUDDAPAH 51675 2471 11 KURNOOL 111088 3407 12 ANANTHAPUR 45841 2655 13 CHITTOOR 53397 3307 Total Andhra Pradesh 2442638 2946
Area covered under new varieties of major crops during 2014-15 No Crop Variety Kharif-2014 Rabi 2014-15 Quantity distributed in Qtls. Area covered in Ha. Quantity indented in Qtls. Area proposed in Ha. 1 Paddy NLR-33892 70 140 200 400 NLR-34449 5831 11662 11910 23820 2 Jowar Pvt. Hybrids 1989 19890 3 Maize 279 1594 19873 113560 4 Red gram LRG-41 5836 38907 5 Green gram LGG-460 542 2710 12387 61935 TMB-37 222 1110 6 Black gram PU-31 446 2788 5286 13215 LBG-752 656 4100 45055 112638
Crop wise Seed Replacement Rate (%) during 2013-14 S. No Crop SRR (%) 1 Paddy 39.40 2 Coarse cereals 32.12 3 Pulses 22.66 4 Oilseeds 29.00 5 Soybean 100.00