Sample collection Vn117 animal nursing
The nurses role Collection of samples from the animal Storage, packaging, labelling and paper work for referral of samples In house diagnostics using a variety of in house instrumentation and tests Instrument maintenance and quality control
safety Human body fluids must be considered infectious Even very dilute animal body fluids may transmit some zoonosis eg HIV,hepatitis B & C, TB and lepto Use biohaz bags for material contaminated by blood, well sealed Use PPE Spills: Small: wipe with disinfectant (70% alcohol, 2% hypochlorite or 1% Virkon). Larger: Virkon powder for 3 min then wipe up with disinfectant
Collection of blood samples Correct needle size and vacutainer type for the species and test ensure the animal is safely and securely restrained. Start distally Only clip enough hair to visualise the vein readily Swab with 70% alcohol Insert the needle at approximately 30-degree angle with skin with the bevel up, then lower to about 20- degrees once in the vein. Aspirate slowly digital pressure afterwards at least 60 seconds for a vein, 5 mins for an artery
Veins for collection SpeciesCollection site DogDogJugular vein (preferred), cephalic vein Cat, horse, sheepJugular vein CowCowTail vein, jugular vein PigPigAnterior vena cava Rabbit Jugular vein, cephalic vein (small vol), ear vein (possibly small vol) BirdBirdRight jugular vein, ulnar vein
Collection with vacutainers ColourColourAnticoagulantType of sampleApplication RedRedNoneClotted blood/serumBiochemistry, Serology Green or yellow/greenHeparinWhole blood/plasma Preferred exotic (avian/rept) LavenderEDTAWhole bloodHaematology except exotic GreyGreyOxalate fluorideOxalate fluorideWhole bloodGlucoseGlucose Light blueSodium citrateWhole blood/plasmaCoagulation; must fill Dark blueNoneClotted blood/serumTrace elements
Collection of venous blood Ideally most tests fast for 12hrs prior, no stress At least ½ fill tubes with anticoagulant Label: o Name date time of collection sample, ref vet
Storage and labelling Whole blood: refrigerate (+4oC) max 2 days Serum and plasma: refrigerate (+4oC) max 2 days Some tests freezing ok, do not thaw and refreeze. Remove clot from serum if longer than 24 hours. Label: owner's name, the animal's name or ID, date and time of collection.
Plasma and serum COLLECTION OF SERUM Method 1: Whole blood (no anticoag), leave to clot, continue as for plasma. Method 2: Whole blood, leave upside down to clot, remove clot with lid. Method 3: Collect in serum gel tube, spin RPM for 10 min. Heparin blood centrifuge 2500 RPM for 5 min. Remove supernatant with a Pasteur pipette,
Sites for large animal blood sampling Jugular vein: vein of choice in horses, sheep and young cattle RIGHT Anterior vena cava or ear vein: pigs
Tail vein: vein of choice in older cattle
Bird blood samples: wing vein