Introduction to Health Education Wessex
Leading world class patient care through excellent education and training, realising the potential of our current and future workforce to meet service need. Our vision
Our Mandate Child and Family Mental Health Support Workers Integrated Care Public Health Valu es Dementia Diagnostics Genomics
We are responsible for Workforce planning Education commissioning – pre-registration and post registration programmes Quality monitoring of education and training of students and trainees on placement and at university Supporting employers to develop bands 1-4 workforce (apprenticeships, foundation degrees) Post Graduate medical and dental specialist education Workforce development to support service transformation with partners Supporting leadership development with TVWLA
Our expertise Innovation – defining the education solution to the service/care challenge Education and Training Quality – pinpointing performance at every stage Workforce planning – intelligent data analysis through a strategic lens Contract Management – achieving best value through partnership working
333 GP practices Population of 2.8 million £196,096 Funding ,500 Staff working in the NHS and Primary Care 15,306 Students funded on programmes leading to non – medical registered professions, studying learning beyond registration (LBR and CDP) apprenticeships, Foundation degrees, or Qualifications and credit modules 8 Local Authorities 13 NHS Trusts 10 Clinical Commissioning 2,477 postgraduate doctors in training 5 Higher Education Institutions
120 Podiatrists 690 Diagnostic Radiographers 130 Therapeutic Radiographers 750 Occupational Therapists 960 Physiotherapists 160 Dieticians 650 Paramedics 240 Speech and Language Therapists 7 Arts/drama/music therapists 38 Orthoptists
“Vanguard sites” for the new care models programme, to deliver the five year forward view and support improvement and integration of services. Health Education Wessex has three vanguard sites these are: Isle of Wight - “My Life a Full Life” Southern Hampshire – moving specialist care out of hospitals into the community North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – integrated primary and acute care for respiratory and cardiac problems and people who have fallen. Looking forward.....Vanguard Sites
Looking forward..... Introduction of Values Based Recruitment – for all students starting NHS funded training programmes in Sept 2016 Care certificate launched in March to support training and development for health and care support workers Better Care Funds across Wessex Raising the Bar (Willis Report) Shape of Training Innovation/Patient Safety/Quality Improvement
Governance and Engagement 12 Partnership Council and reporting subgroups Board SHIP Local Workforce Development Group Stakeholders Operations Management Team Local Professional & Clinical Networks Dorset and South Wiltshire Local Workforce Development Group Key Red: Accountable to Green: Provides advice to Expert Education Advisory Group