Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport College of Engineering and Technology Mechanical Engineering Department Submitted by: Prof. Mohamed A. Teamah 1
2 Presentation Outline 1- Introduction 2- System Description and Modelling 3- Results and Discussions 4- Conclusion
3 1-Introduction Problem Definition: Renewable energies are more noticeable. The world is looking for Green Energy.
Introduction Fossil fuels are not being newly formed at any significant rate, and thus present stocks are ultimately finite. The reserve lifetime of a resource may be defined as the known stock amount divided by the rate of present use. so the fuel price increases;
5 1-Introduction Objectives: 1- Studies the performance of the micro-turbine generation system which is used as a backup to satisfy the load demand in a hybrid power generation system. 2- Analytical model is developed to describe the thermal behavior of the solar heaters and integrated with the controlled model of the micro-turbine. 3- Studies the effect of the solar heaters used to save fuel consumed in the micro- turbine model.
1-Introduction This paper devoted to study the conversion of solar energy to a mechanical energy in a stand-alone hybrid power generation system. Modeling and simulation using Matlab- Simulink provides expert help in understanding hybrid system design. Also, dynamic behavior and simulation of an integrated solar-micro-turbine model is developed.
2-System Description and Modeling
8 The hybrid solar microturbine system consists of: 2-System Description and Modeling
9 Micro-turbine Model: Consists of fuel, speed and temperature control along with the combustor and turbine dynamics.
10 2-System Description and Modeling Micro-turbine Model: The micro-turbine model is implemented using MATLAB Simulink
11 2-System Description and Modeling Solar Heater Cells Model: The solar air heaters configuration used is the solar collector with double- parallel flow. An air stream between the absorber plate and the transparent cover and another stream between the absorber plate and the bottom of the collector, in parallel flow.
12 2-System Description and Modeling Solar Heater Cells Model: The useful energy gain (Q u ) is expressed in terms of the air inlet temperature to the collector (T i ) as: Q u = A c F r [S- U L (T i – T a )] Where, A c is Heater Solar Cell Area, F r is collector heat removal, U L is the overall heat loss coefficient, S is solar irradiance absorbed by the collector, and T a is environment temperature. The output air temperature (T o ) from the collector is expressed as: T o = T a + [S/ U L ] + [T i – T a –(S/U L )] exp [(A c F’ U L ) / (m C p )] Where, Cp is specific heat of air, m is mass flow rate of air, F’ is the efficiency factor.
13 2-System Description and Modeling Solar Heater Cells Model: The inlet Temperature (T i ) is expressed as: T i = T a (P 2 / P 1 ) 0.4/1.4 where, P 1 is atmospheric pressure and P 2 is air compression pressure. The instantaneous efficiency for double flow solar heaters (ŋ) is expressed by as: ŋ= 0.54 – [4.56 (T i – T a )/S]
14 2-System Description and Modeling Solar Heater Cells Model: The Solar Heater Cells model is implemented using MATLAB Simulink
15 2-System Description and Modeling Solar Heater Cells Model: The solar heaters model is being integrated with the micro-turbine model to simulate a hybrid solar micro-turbine model. The amount of Fuel Power generated by the combustor (Q f ) is expressed as: Q f = [m f2 * HV Methane ] Q f = [m f1 * HV Methane ] – [Cp air m (T o - T i )] Where m f1 is fuel mass flow rate before using solar heater, m f2 is fuel mass flow rate after using solar heater and HV Methane is the lower heating value of methane.
16 2-System Description and Modeling Hybrid Solar Micro-turbine Model:
17 3-Results and Discussion Hybrid Solar Micro-turbine Model: Per Unit Hybrid Solar Microturbine Rotor Speed
18 3-Results and Discussion Hybrid Solar Micro-turbine Model: Per Unit Hybrid Solar Microturbine Rotor Torque
19 3-Results and Discussion Hybrid Solar Micro-turbine Model: Per Unit Hybrid Solar Microturbine Fuel Demand
20 3-Results and Discussion Hybrid Solar Micro-turbine Model: The average environmental temperature and solar irradiance for Alexandria
21 3-Results and Discussion Hybrid Solar Micro-turbine Model: The average fuel consumption and money saved per day. The fuel price for the year 2013 is 70 cent/litres.
22 4-Conclusion Conclusions: 1- A detailed simulation model of a hybrid solar micro-turbine is implemented in MATLAB Simulink™ using SIMPOWER Systems library. 2- The analytical model described the thermal behavior of the solar heater and its effect on the amount of the fuel consumed. 3- The hybrid model has been simulated under several PU speed conditions. 4- Results showed the performance and the amount of annual fuel savings.
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