Circular statistics Maximum likelihood Local likelihood Kenneth D. Harris 4/3/2015
Relationship of cells to oscillations Klausberger & Somogyi, Science 2008
Relationship of cells to oscillations O’Keefe & Recce, Hippocampus 1993
How do we quantify: A cell’s average phase of firing? How phase depends on other variables?
Computing instantaneous phase Hilbert transform Peak fitting
Phase histogram Different cells prefer different phases How do we compute each cell’s mean phase?
Linear mean doesn’t work
Circular mean R
von Mises distribution
Maximum likelihood estimation
Maximum likelihood von Mises
How does phase depend on another variable? Don’t use linear regression!
Locally-weighted likelihood
Kernel smoother
Place field estimation
Phase field Local likelihood estimation for von Mises Physical space Abstract space Harris et al Nature 2002
Confirmatory statistics: How to test that phase is independent of place? Shuffling method? Test statistic?