EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Event – date, place About INTERREG EUROPE INTERREG EUROPE INTERREG IVC Joint Technical Secretariat Iruma Kravale, The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
2 Event – date, place Timeline March 2010 Draft regulation First call for project proposals expected approval of the programme by the EC INTERREG EUROPE Programming Committee set up Adoption of legislative package & agreement on budget submission of the programme to the EC EU2020 strategy October 2011 June 2012 Summer st half 2015 April 2015 Programming – Indicative timeline 2-3 December 2014 INTERREG EUROPE launch event, Bologna
3 Event – date, place Rationale € INTERREG EUROPE EUR 359 m EU Cohesion policy Goal 1: Investment for growth & jobs (G&J) EUR 340 billion Goal 2: European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) EUR 10.2 billion Policy learning among public authorities to improve performance of policies & programmes for regional development, in particular Structural Funds programmes
4 Event – date, place Rationale € INTERREG EUROPE EUR 359 m EU Cohesion policy Policy learning among public authorities to improve performance of policies & programmes for regional development, in particular Structural Funds programmes Goal 1: Investment for growth & jobs (G&J) EUR 340 billion Goal 2: European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) EUR 10.2 billion
5 Event – date, place Cooperation area 30 countries -EU 28 -Norway -Switzerland
6 Event – date, place Eligibility & co-financing rate Who is eligible?Co-financing rates Public bodies and bodies governed by public law 85% Private non-profit bodies75%
7 Event – date, place Four themes Thematic focus Research & innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment & resource efficiency
8 Event – date, place 2 actions Policy Learning Platforms Interregional Cooperation Projects Proposed actions
9 Event – date, place A. Interregional Cooperation Projects Policy exchange of experience (1 to 3 years) ending with production of 1 action plan per region Monitoring of action plan implementation (2 years) + possible pilot actions Phase 1 Phase 2 Proposed actions 1.Implementation in 2 phases 2.Creation of ‘local stakeholder groups’ + involve all organisations linked to policy process + reduce administrative/legal obstacles
10 Event – date, place A. Interregional Cooperation Projects Who should get involved? Proposed actions find tried and tested measures to implement in your programme share and implement good practices coming from across Europe get involved with your policymaker and contribute to better policy implementation Managing Authorities Regional/local authorities Agencies, institutes, non-profit private bodies
11 Event – date, place A. Interregional Cooperation Projects 2. INTERREG EUROPE 1.Focus on SF programmes A half of policy instruments addressed 2.Direct commitment of policymakers Support letters from MAs/ IBs 3.Stakeholder groups Broader policy learning and impact 4.Online (OLF) system Application, report, request for changes Application and reporting
12 Event – date, place A. Interregional Cooperation Projects 2. INTERREG EUROPE 1.Administration costs 15% of staff costs 2.Project preparation costs Lump sum EUR ,- 3.Budget changes 20% flexibility rules within approved budget Financial simplifications (tbc)
13 Event – date, place Online collaborative tool + Expert team B. Policy Learning Platforms EU-wide capacity building on: Proposed actions Research & innovationSME competitiveness Environment & resource efficiency Low-carbon economy 1 service provider per theme via:
14 Event – date, place B. Policy Learning Platforms Services Build EU-wide capacity Organise thematic events, peer reviews among regions Produce thematic publications Assist individual stakeholders involved in G&J and ETC ‘Animate’ the online tool for knowledge sharing Advise running projects Exploit project results Analyse, benchmark and disseminate the projects’ content Improve programme content Advise the programme on strategic orientation (e.g. calls for project proposals) Proposed actions
15 Event – date, place B. Policy Learning Platforms Users Proposed actions Two access levels Public information for all users Restricted area for registered users for extra services Bodies involved in management and implementation of Growth & Jobs and European Territorial Cooperation programmes Bodies involved in policy implementation relevant to the four programme themes Beneficiaries of G&J and ETC programmes
16 Event – date, place 2 interrelated actions Proposed actions Policy Learning Platforms Open to all regions Interregional cooperation projects Enrich Contribute Project 1Project 2Project 3
17 Event – date, place For more information, please, follow us on: