SBIR STTR Commercialization Assistance Programs for Small Business Innovation Research & Small Business Technology Transfer at the National Science Foundation
COMMERCIAL ASSISTANCE AT NSF (Prelude) I-Corps Quick Pitch Phase I Phase II Structure and Process Photo Credit: Graphene Frontiers, LLC
NSF-funded team-based educational offering University-based team of three (PI, entrepreneurial lead, mentor) with technical chops in an area with “potential” commercial impact Outward-facing, demanding, experiential process The goal: apply the scientific method to test market hypotheses and arrive at a “go/no go” decision for company formation “Learn how to learn (as an entrepreneur)” “Appropriated” from the startup community, now being rolled out at other agencies and at many regional nodes NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps)
Phase I Commercialization Assistance Program (via Dawnbreaker and Larta) I-Corps-style “Phase I boot camp” available for all grantees (led by National I-Corps teaching teams) Two-day grantee workshop with major focus on commercialization training and discussion Phase I
Phase II Commercialization Assistance Program supplement: $10k per grantee, broad applicability Phase II Grantees Conference: Educational and partnerships components TECP supplement: up to 20% of Phase II award based on a strong market pull from partner Phase IIB: Additional $500k of NSF funds available based on third-party investment or sales Phase II
Trend toward more topical inclusiveness Program management reflecting entrepreneurial best practices (budget flexibility, R&D plan flexibility) Reducing set of administrative red flags Increased post-award engagement between PDs and grantees Structure and Process: recent changes
SBIR STTR THANK YOU Contact Us: (or: Ben Schrag at