MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan1 The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets Chapter 7
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan2 Principles and Learning Objectives The Internet is like many other technologies—it provides a wide range of services, some of which are effective and practical for use today, others are still evolving, and still others will fade away from lack of use. –Briefly describe how the Internet works, including alternatives for connecting to it and the role of Internet service providers. –Identify and briefly describe the services associated with the Internet.
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan3 Principles and Learning Objectives Originally developed as a document- management system, the World Wide Web is a menu-based system that is easy to use for personal and business applications. –Describe the World Wide Web and how it works. –Explain the use of Web browsers, search engines, and other Web tools.
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan4 Principles and Learning Objectives Before the Internet and the World Wide Web become universally used and accepted for business use, management issues; service and speed issues; and fraud, security, and unauthorized Internet sites must be addressed and solved. –Identify who is using the Web to conduct business and discuss some of the pros and cons of Web shopping. –Outline a process for creating Web content. –Describe Java and discuss its potential impact on the software world. –Define the terms intranet and extranet and discuss how organizations are using them. –Identify several issues associated with the use of networks.
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan5 Use and Functioning of the Internet
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan6 Use and Functioning of the Internet ARPANET Internet Protocol (IP) Wireless Internet Research for a faster Internet –Internet2 (I2) –Next Generation Internet (NGI) –Corporate efforts
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan7 Routing Messages Over the Internet
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan8 U.S. Internet Usage
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan9 How the Internet Works Hosts Routers forward packets to other networks Internet Protocol Stack (TCP/IP) –Internet Protocol (IP) –Transport Control Protocol (TCP) Backbones
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan10 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Hypertext transfer protocol World Wide WebDomain category Host Network Name
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan11 U.S. Top Level Domain Affiliations
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan12 Accessing the Internet Connection via a LAN server –Network adapter card –Open Datalink Interface (ODI) –Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS)
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan13 Accessing the Internet
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan14 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Provide Internet access to account holders Monthly fee varies Some are free
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan15 Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan16 Internet Services
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan17 Internet Services
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan18 Internet Services
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan19 and Instant Messaging
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan20 ICQ
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan21 Usenet Newsgroups
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan22 Internet Phone and Videoconferencing Services
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan23 Other Internet Services
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan24 The World Wide Web
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan25 The World Wide Web Menu-based system that uses client/server model Hypermedia HTML, XML Web browsers Java Search engines –Keyword indexes: fast & broad –Subject indexes: focused searches
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan26 Interesting Web Sites
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan27 Hypertext Markup Language
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan28 Google
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan29 Popular Search Engines
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan30 Java
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan31 Java
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan32
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan33 Intranets and Extranets
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan34 Intranet Internal corporate network built using Internet and World Wide Web standards and products Slashes the need for paper Provides employees with an easy and intuitive approach to access information that was previously difficult to obtain
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan35 Intranet
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan36 Extranet A network that links selected resources of the intranet of a company with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners.
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan37 Internet, Intranet, and Extranet Users
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan38 Virtual Private Network
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan39 Developing Web Content Computer must be linked to a Web server Need Web browser program Add links to home page Advertise Tools –Word processors –HTML editor –HTML template –Text editor
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan40 Push Technology Used to send information automatically over the Internet Relies on HTTP or Java technology Drawbacks include: –Information overload –Volume of data broadcast
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan41 Business Uses of the Web Linking buyers and sellers Tool for marketing, sales, and customer support Low-cost alternative to fax or express mail
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan42 Net Issues Management issues Service and speed issues –Routers can become bottlenecks –Connection agreements
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan43 Net Issues Privacy –Cookie: text file placed on the hard disk of a computer system Fraud Security with encryption and firewalls –Digital signature –Cyphertext –Cryptography Unauthorized sites
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan44 Cryptography
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan45 FedCIRC
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan46 The Web in Three Dimensions
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers; Instructor: S. Mathiyalakan47 Summary Internet - started with ARPANET, a project started by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Internet services include: – –Telnet –FTP –Usenet and newsgroups –Chat rooms Web site - like a magazine, with a cover page called a home page that has graphics, titles, black and highlighted text