Crampton OFSTED “The school vision is evident everywhere and mutual respect and success for all are at the heart of the school’s work”.
Initial phone call - No surprises Pupil Premium SEN More able Monitoring file Performance management Teaching Profile of the school Early Years Observing teaching Progress data across yr groups
The Written Word – Top 10 1.Pupil Premium Expenditure/High profile 2.Monitoring File – Book looks/progress data/record of observations/learning environment checks/ feedback from L walks 3.Performance management - linked to SDP 4.Case studies of key SEN children- children not making expected progress/reasons/key reports/IEPS 5.Assessment data – presented in “best possible light” 6.Predictions for this year – showing sustained attainment/ for FSM and NON FSM to show gap narrowed 7.CPD Record – Addressing areas identified from previous report –marking/consistency in teaching and learning/tracking of data 8.Comprehensive record of support for new teachers 9.Middle Leader Action plans – all senior leaders aware of the content of each others’ plans and current areas of focus 10.Pre-empted questions from ROL – Level 5 in maths, Level 5 pupil premium, SPAG CRAMPTON
Bringing the written word alive… Joint observations from the start – outstanding practice – highlighting pupil premium children … Summary data – didn’t overload (we showed one year group from each key stage in depth – chosen wisely!) Interventions - showing where gaps had been identified and how they were being addressed e.g. setting in 1 cohort for maths – reasons why and highlighting benefits/ reading booster as a focus on writing had led to a slight dip n reading progress Teaching over time – where teaching was not as strong – having a ready selection of books to prove teaching is ‘good over time’ School Council (Crampton Voice) – were well prepared Making sure Governors know the priorities - e.g. Pupil Premium (we showed the team the templates we had shared with Governors about data on PP) Let them know the areas the school has focussed on - then show it in practice e.g. consistent approach to L.I., marking comments, 2 week units of work in maths, creative curriculum Middle Leaders – shared vision – demonstrate a collaborative approach – able to show impact of actions (e.g. books/ Narrowing of gap in data/ how key subjects supported each other) Don’t wait for the inspectors to ask – show them before they have a chance We know the intake – we made sure the team did too! CRAMPTON
Killing 2 (or 8) birds with one stone… Year 6 lesson FSM – targeted for level 5 (pointed out potential FSM level 6) 50% of 14 pupils are FSM Addressed issue from ROL/Maths Level 5/Pupil Premium Outstanding lesson Accelerated progress Children challenging themselves/ high expectations Consistency in books Outstanding marking “For example, a group of very able Year 6 mathematicians working on solving algebra problems were encouraged to explain their answers, then allowed to very quickly move themselves beyond the work set, reaching levels beyond those expected, with minimal help from the teacher.” CRAMPTON
Killing 2 (or 6) birds with one stone… Year 4 Maths lessons – LA/MA and HA set 2 outstanding/1 good lesson Year group with significant needs – every pupil catered for Support staff actively involved in supporting learning Able to show how gap in progress data was being addressed Use of Pupil Premium money Effective intervention – challenge for more able as well as support for LA (bespoke to needs of this cohort- do not set for every year group) “The school has raised the profile of mathematics and created smaller sets taught by specialist teachers, which is having a very positive impact on raising achievement across the school.” CRAMPTON