INTRODUCTION Northern Gateway City is a private development in the Greater Francistown area, 3.2km from the city of Francistown approved with consent No. DTRP. 330/211 in May 26th , 2011. It covers a total area of 946.5ha, subdivided into 5287 plots for different land uses and activities including. 4896 residential plots 53 commercial plots 35 industrial plots 34 civic and community plots 31 housing estates and cluster housing plots 3 mixed use plots The Golf Course Open spaces
OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT BRIEF BACKGROUND The subdivision of portion 2 36-NQ was based on the structure plan for the freehold farms surrounding Francistown, which was approved by the TCPB on 11th October 2010. The proposed Northern Gateway City is a self contained urban development neighborhood providing the following values. Well integrated planned and serviced residential areas Coordinated hierarchical commercial clusters Working areas in office and industrial parks Community services well accessible and within reach Recreational and sporting facilities Hotels and lodges
PROJECT LOCATION Regionally; The site is located about 450km from Gaborone, 470km from Maun and 80km from the Zimbabwean boarder. Administratively the area is located in the North East District. Accessibility The primary accesses to the project area is the Matsiloje road connecting the eastern part of Francistown to the City. Its a Primary road in Bitumen standard crossing the project area from east to west. A by pass road from A1 will also provide north-south accessibility to the Northern Gate way city on its eastern side
Project Area in Greater Francistown Planning Area.
Proposed Land Use Provisions Residential Low cost 500m²- 600m² Medium income 600- 800m² High income 800m²- 1000 m² High income (bigger plots) 1000m²- 1400 m² Housing estates Town houses Commercial Central Commercial Area Local Centers Commercial plots (for various uses within the residential blocks) Office park Offices Petrol Filling Station Hotel Transport interchange (Bus Rank)
Table 2.1: Proposed Land Use Provision Cont’d Industrial Light industrial plots Heavy Industrial Plots Show rooms Ware house Open Space Plots have been provided for both active and passive open space Golf course Civic and Community Amenities Government Offices Places of Public Worship Primary and pre-primary Junior school Senior secondary school Tertiary institution Other civic and community Cemetery Road network and other Infrastructure Provided in accordance with prescribed hierarchical standards
Project Phased Developments Identification of residential areas within the project area is done according to the blocks. This will facilitate phased development of the project area and proper identification of the areas in the long run. Blocks in the project area
Table 2.2 Land Use Allocation Plot Size (m2) Total Plots Average Plot sizes (m2) Total areas (m2) Plots facing Golf Course 600-800 17 800 13,600.00 800-1000 76 1000 76,000.00 Above 1000 81 1450 117,450.00 Total Residential Plots 174 Housing Estate 4 69,300.00 Commercial 2 53,000.00 Total 180 329,350.00
Plots in the Golf area 600-800 82 800 65,600.00 800-1000 860 1000 860,000.00 Above 1000 43 1450 62,350.00 Total Residential Plots 985 Housing 10 216,700.00 Commercial 15 169,000.00 Civic &Com 8 891,000.00 Industrial 3 412,000.00 Total 1021 2,676,650.00
Block A 500-600 339 550 186,450.00 600-800 112 800 89,600.00 800-1000 162 1000 162,000.00 Total Residential Plots 613 Housing 7 192,000.00 Commercial 3 14,900.00 Civic &Com 18,000.00 Total 626 662,950.00
Block B 500-600 217 550 119,350.00 600-800 31 700 21,700.00 800-1000 66 1000 66,000.00 Total Residential Plots 314 Housing 4 66,100.00 Commercial 11 194,300.00 Civic &Com 14 206,800.00 Industrial 42 131,700.00 Total 385 805,950.00
Block C 500-600 420 600 252,000.00 600-800 26 750 19,500.00 Total Residential Plots 446 Housing 2 49,000.00 Commercial 12 312,000.00 Civic &Com 7 121,800.00 Total 467 754,300.00
Block D 600-800 32 750 24,000.00 800-1000 262 1000 262,000.00 Total Residential Plots 294 Commercial 1 9,700.00 Civic &Com 5,000.00 Total 296 300,700.00
Block E 500-600 185 600 111,000.00 600-800 92 750 69,000.00 800-1000 12 1000 12,000.00 Total Residential Plots 289 Civic &Com 2 92,000.00 Total 291 284,000.00
Block F 500-600 206 600 123,600.00 800-1000 19 1000 19,000.00 Total Residential Plots 225 Housing 1 8,000.00 Commercial 7,200.00 Civic &Com 7,000.00 Total 228 164,800.00
Block G 500-600 474 550 260,700.00 600-800 10 750 7,500.00 800-1000 38 1000 38,000.00 Total Residential Plots 522 Housing 2 33,000.00 Civic &Com 3 15,000.00 Total 527 354,200.00
Block H 500-600 592 570 337,440.00 600-800 52 700 36,400.00 800-1000 97 1000 97,000.00 Total Residential Plots 741 Housing 1 11,700.00 Commercial 6 14,200.00 Civic &Com 4 17,600.00 Total 752 514,340.00
Block I 500- 600 160 570 91,200.00 800-1000 103 1000 103,000.00 Total Residential Plots 263 Housing 1 41,000.00 Commercial 2 14,100.00 Total 266 249,300.00 Grand Totals 5039
Projects Progress to date. Designs and Reports Detailed Layout is complete and approved EIA is complete and approved Surveying work is completed on site Infrastructure designs are at an advanced stage of completion, September 14 Site works and Material sources All road servitudes are opened and accessible Site office and stock piling areas identified Quarry established and functional Sand available and sources established Next Step: Construction of roads and all other services expected OCT 14
INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES Roads Road network has the following hierarchy primary distributors (national) - 61m primary distributor (local) - 30m secondary distributors- 20m tertiary distributors - 18m, and access roads - 15m Servitude -Utilities All roads will carry all other services along the road reserves including. Water Electricity Storm water drains Telephone and Sewer lines