Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel Austrian Carer’s Association Working FOR and WITH informal carers
Content of Presentation Situation in Austria Aims of the Austrian Carers’ Association Organization of the Association Events and Milestones Publicity Website and Folder Five Claims from Politics 2
Situation in Austria 5% of the population gets care allowance from the government Informal carers provide 80% of care
Situation in Austria Approx. 20% of the concerned families benefit from care and social services 42% of the caregivers reported that they can not afford community services (i.e. home care)
Why should caregivers team up? A platform that acts for carers and lobbies for their requests is necessary. 5
Aims of the Austrian Carers’ Association Improving carers’ living situation Raising awareness for the social relevance, burden and challenges of informal caregivers Raising appraisal and appreciation of carers’ effort 6
Aims of the Austrian Carers’ Association Identification of supply gaps and lobbying for improvements Establishment of informal carers as an political relevant group 7
Organization of the Association Board of directors Advisory board Regional coordinators Board of Directors Advisory Board Regional coordinators
Board of Directors 6 members -president -recording clerk -treasurer and their deputies Leading tasks 9 Board of Directors Advisory Board Regional coordinators
Advisory Board Approx. 20 members Personalities from science, practise and business Tasks: -Counselling the board of directors -Information carrier and multiplicator at events 10 Board of Directors Advisory Board Regional coordinators
Regional Coordinators 12 coordinators in 8 states Main tasks: -Connector to local politicians and agencies -Representative at events -In direct contact with informal carers -Research of community based services 11 Board of Directors Advisory Board Regional coordinators
Office National head office Contact point for organs of association, members and interested persons Located at the headquarters of the Austrian Red Cross in Vienna
Memberships legal / nat. person full / supporting membership membership fee naturalfull20 € p. year legalfull - small associations (max. 3 employees) 70 € p. year legalfull – big associations270 € p. year natural or legalsupporting members> € p. year
Events and Milestones Event pre Foundation 11/2009 Inaugural Meeting 01/2010 Entry in Register of Associations 04/2010 Launch of Website05/2010 1 st Press Conference 05/2010 1 st Meeting of Coordinators08/2010 1 st Meeting of Advisory Board09/2010 2 nd Press Conference03/2011 1 st Annual Conference03/2011 1 st General Meeting 03/
Publicity Two press conferences Several articles in magazines and newspapers Interviews on the radio Representation at events Networking 15
Information www. Folder 16
Five Claims from Politics 1.Implementation of annual valorisation of care allowances 2.Creation of independent information centres for persons in need of care and their carers all over the country 3.Relief and support of caregivers by extension of achievable services 17
Five Claims from Politics 4.Development of measurements for an improved compatibility of informal care and job 5.Acceptance of the Carers’ Association as special interest group from the government (on regional, state and national levels) 18
Thank you for your attention! Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel President of the Austrian Carers’ Association